Metropolis City

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Written over the course of today, so likely very long vs stories I write all in one go. This is one of those heavy filler chapters, focusing on Shenron's vacation. By the way city is based on Zanarkhand, not like Superman or anything.

Well okay based on Word Counter it's not the longest chapter, but it's not like I wrote it the whole day. Morning and night only.

I'd have written more to this chapter if I wasn't so incredibly tired.


Shenron stood outside of a large, no ... gargantuan city, full of lights, the board nearby saying WELCOME TO METROPOLIS CITY OF MACHINES

How very beautiful indeed Farrend, I knew of absolutely nothing close to this sort of beauty back home, to think that places like this even exist ... and that unless we're superior Gods we know nothing about them.

Shenron changed himself back to his regular form and put on a blue shirt and red pants, just so he looked like an absolute tourist, so hopefully he'd be left alone.

He walked on all fours instead of floating and shortened himself considerably.

I should be very careful here, whilst obviously no one can hurt me, I can hurt them greatly.

I've shielded myself so no one can sense me, I couldn't risk reducing my powers not knowing how strong some of these species may be. After all Mother was defeated by Farrend, well he was previously a Creator, so that's probably why, but it's certainly a worry and I'd rather be at full power.

Not long into the walk his nose caught a scent most exquisite.

Ooooooh what is this?

Oh my ...

Hello Good Sir! these are Tike Fillets, would you like to try one?

Yes of course, they smell positively divine!

Haha that's the spirit my good sir!

Shenron took the fillet, bit into it and nearly went comatose from the flavour explosion.

That's absolutely amazing!

May I get a packet?

Of course sir!

That'll be 120 Gorn's

Thank you sir! you enjoy that you hear me!

Shenron had bought about 20 packets of different foods before heading to the hotel he was staying in.

He nearly dropped those packets when he saw the hotel.

Tallest one here he reckoned, on the side it said 500 stories.

Well let's see what room they gave me.

Just as beautifully divine inside as it was outside.

The lady at the desk got him setup and he was given the top floor and he loved that choice.

I'll be able to see ... and the fillet dropped from his mouth ... everything omg!

Now this is a true divine city!

Gotta take off these silly clothes, but I feel they helped me a lot, well maybe ...

He placed the packets next to himself as he lay down ever so slightly in the balcony chair.

He popped the cork on some incredibly expensive wine he brought and proceeded to relax.

If I wasn't a Creator I would not have been able to afford anything in this city, even street food was expensive. This wine itself costed 1400 Gorn's that's crazy ...

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