Aether Zamasu

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Sometimes you just have this calm, serene quality in your mind and you create something spectacular from that, I loved writing this one. Boy did I have fun with the Aether parts.


Lady Amariss is here to see you.

Let her in.

Amariss pleasure to see you here today.

Yes Lady.


It seems that Black was killed Lady ...

I suppose that's to be expected, especially since he revealed himself to the dragon.



Who is this dragon? he seems powerful and dangerous.

He's a Creator like me only I was directly made by the God of all, which means I'm more powerful than him. However I'm curious to this power he has within him, I cannot say I've ever seen or heard of it.

What's the name and I'll have the Trecks look into it.


Right, on it, Lady, see you.

What is this element you have access to dragon? it's most unusual.

This place is a downright dump said Zamasu as he walked the pier with Shenron.

Yes I thought it would be nice, but it's rather quite ugly ... maybe we should burn it to the ground and rebuild it as something prettier.

I think that's a great idea, you take? I'll take left said Shenron and you take right, got it! GO!

They both raced to their respective sides and started destroying everything, the mortals screaming and running as their town was getting obliterated.

Once it was all a burning heap of junk, they landed nearby and Shenron using his powers started to build something new from the ashes, he used the bodies of the mortals too.

It took some time and Zamasu wished he had the ability to help, he'd ask Shenron about that later, maybe he could share his powers somehow.

4 hours later and Shenron had rebuilt everything to a photo he created in his head of his perfect seaside, lakeside town.

As they flew away to get a whole view of the town, Zamasu was awestruck it was beyond beautiful and Shenron actually had tears in his eyes.

It's so beautiful! he looked to Shenron and saw the tears, aww you love it don't you?

Yes Zamasu I love it, I finally created something beautiful besides rebuilding the Earth after Garland.

As he continued to take it in more tears left him and Zamasu hugged him to comfort him and that's when he started weeping.

It's so beautiful Zamasu, it's ... tears flew from his eyes ... he eventually started bawling and bawled his eyes out.

Zamasu just held him and caressed him to calm him down.

To think that I was content in just destruction ... even the other Black made me realise I'd never go anywhere in that life, I'm so glad I changed with you Shenron and I'm most happiest in this life. I love you my beautiful creation dragon.

He held him for what felt like an eternity but was merely 20 minutes. Shenron suddenly perking up and looking at his beautiful Kai with tear adorned eyes. I'd like to give you something ... I am unsure if it will be possible, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now