Infinite Peace

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Well that's the end of 3. I have some small ideas for 4, I don't really know where I want 4 to go though, I mean I didn't even really know about 3 however I at the very least had a general idea. So for now until I get some idea beyond the small specks of ideas, the end and boy what a journey it was.

Probably my favourite story ever, even counting the ones I have in notes that are Vampire Diaries and head story based. I mean yeah head story stuff was used here, but I mean actual head story stuff, not random snippets.

Just kinda disappointed I couldn't have written the entirety of 3 with a little more proper grammar ... maybe someday I'll fix it, I don't know, that'll be a very long and arduous task though and I'm just very lazy when it comes to that stuff.


Last night had been the most amazing thing both had ever experienced and Zamasu was left thinking that it was the Darkness that took over Shenron and not Shenron himself. He had after all been with him long enough to know when it was him and when it wasn't. Shenron was proficient at sexual acts due to his powers showing him things that most would never even know were a thing to be done, but he never went too far, always somewhat afraid to hurt his Kai. But this night was different and that had him on edge, was the Darkness even Shenron? or a seperate entity altogether?

He watched as the dragon slept, completely unaware of his thoughts towards him. Are you Shenron truly? or are you someone else entirely?

Zamasu got up to make himself some food he was craving and when he left the room the dragons eyes snapped open and he snarled, annoyed that the Kai had even questioned in his mind if it was him or not. He got up, checked to make sure the Kai was in the kitchen before flying out the window and down to Earth to rain hell on it's unsuspecting mortals.

The dragon found a club to his liking with music to his liking and got to work in between the crowds, he needed to get his mind off that treachery and the blasphemous thoughts of the Kai. He had given him a truly special night and all he could think was that it wasn't him! how dare he ever think of such a thing! sacrilege ...

As he danced he had closed the doors completely and sealed them with wards, to make sure the blasphemous humans couldn't escape, he'd have his revenge on them as a way to make him feel better about what Zamasu had spouted about him in his head. As he danced a note of fear had begun to envelop around him, as the humans had tried to leave but couldn't, many now starting to really get scared.

By the end of it he was the only one still dancing, the others all piled at the doors trying to get out, immense fear creeping up onto them and Shenron's lips curling in satisfaction of the fear he felt emanating from them.

One by one he rushed them, tearing limbs clean off, blood spraying in all directions, heads ripped off and tossed into unsuspecting human hands. Many a human vomited or passed out at the scene before them.

Shenron used his claws to slash his victims throats, slash their eyes and their bodies in a desperate attempt to flood the room with their blood. It was soon raining blood and Shenron danced in the blood rain, his smile never leaving him.

Zamasu had suddenly got chills which was unusual as he was immortal and didn't feel temperatures like regular beings. A sudden immense foreboding sensation dug into him and he ran to Shenron's room, he found the window open and the dragon nowhere to be seen.

Using his link he scanned the cosmos for his friend, finding him finally after sometime on Earth, he followed the trail and what he found chilled him to the bone. Shenron dancing amidst torn, scratched, bloodless bodies, he danced as the blood rained down onto him, a constant smile present. He hadn't seen or sensed him yet and for that he was glad as he had no idea how to respond to this at the very moment. His mind drew blanks as he watched the dragon completely and blissfully unaware of his presence.

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now