Inner Turmoil

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Been writing this all day, AO3 is out for the count so have to post it here first instead. It was written, re written and tossed so many times ... like dude! but eventually I got to the end and yeah ... here it is in all it's dark glory!



Yeah ...

How have you been lately? I mean I know we see each other every day but you seem distant again and I know your really trying ... but I worry for your mental health.

Zamasu, this darkness it perceives everything differently to me ... it speaks to me and it's made me realise that perhaps what I feel is right, really isn't ... it tells me that it matters not if they were family beforehand. But yet I cannot feel any differently about it. I feel that by killing them I committed cold blooded murder and than any other mortals I kill I feel I didn't commit that because it was necessary ...

I'm so conflicted on the right and wrongs in this world. Should I really care that I killed them? or should I simply move on and accept that they were simply part of my cleansing?

Shenron we've been through a lot, I've changed a lot and to put perspective into this honestly, I feel you should just move on, it happened, it will happen again and just don't worry about it. Also Father could bring them back, no one that dies here is gone forever, don't beat yourself up about your decisions in a world where death is not permanent.

Shenron looked to Zamasu and realised he had been such a fool all along, he was so intensely correct, nothing was permanent, he was a Creator after all, he could resurrect most beings. Yet despite that knowledge and the knowledge that Father could bring them back, he still felt bad and he hated it.

Suddenly Father teleported him to his domain and freaked Zamasu out a little bit until he realised where he had gone and relaxed.

My son you feel bad because these weren't any regular beings to you, when you cleanse mortals you don't know them, but Grav and Aureen you knew and so it hurts you, you try to move on, but you find it particularly hard to do so. This is normal, this takes time and Zamasu is a little impatient in this fact, he's never truly lost someone he completely loved, so he won't be able to fully understand you here. I suggest you spend as much time as you can with him, get him to show you things instead, even if you've seen them before act like you haven't, really enjoy where he takes you, get lost in him and forget the world around you.

I've been around for so long ... done many things, but you eventually realise you have to move on or be stuck in depression forever and quite literally too because of our immortality. Forgive yourself Shenron.

Shenron's eyes went wide before he was back to sitting next to his Kai again. Zamasu show me something you've made or a place you love ...

Zamasu understood why he asked, thank you Father he said in his head and than took him places he knew he'd love despite having seen them before many times. He had also been working on some animals for their shared Utopia and he wanted to show them to him.

Zamasu these creatures are the cutest things I've ever seen! he smiled wide and laughed as they played in his hair. Suddenly an ouch was heard as they started pulling his hair and pinching him. Zamasu tried to get them to stop and then they attacked him too. Stop it you little rascals he said as they yanked at his hair and pinched him too.

Time for a bit of discipline I think said Shenron as he charged an attack that had Zamasu shocked and grabbing him to stop. Stop this Shenron, they don't understand ...

Exactly so let's make them understand he smirked.

He couldn't let him do this, he figured he'd try the back stuff on him, so he pretended to join him to get near him and than started to really rub his back and hoped for the best.

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now