A Planet Most Beautiful

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The first part was written this morning when I was on a mood high and was so beautifully written I nearly cried multiple times.

The other parts were all over the place, written, re written and tossed even ... to say I feel the 2nd part sucks would be putting it lightly ... what a mess ...


Zamasu ...

Zamasu looked towards Shenron as the dragon had used a tone most unusual and he wondered what it meant.

Yes Shenron?

I want to show you something, it's on a planet near the edges of my cosmos.

Show me is all he said and they both got up and Shenron lead the way.

See that little one up there?


It's that one.

It's so small.


As they neared it, scents wafted about their noses, which was not typical at all, in fact if anything it was impossible.

How are there scents out here?

It's a very special little planet.

Shenron than took the Kai's hands and teleported to the surface, putting his hands on his eyes so he didn't peek.


I don't want you to ruin the experience by going into it fully aware. I want this to be a very powerful and special experience, but if you peek now you'll ruin it.

Can I say I'm a bit worried?

Of course, but as always I'd do nothing to hurt you.

I know. He turned his head to capture his lips regardless if he could see or not.

A moment later they broke it off and Shenron told him to relax and just be calm and serene.

Than he unfastened his hands from his eyes and told him to do it slowly.

What he saw and witnessed was beyond what words could describe.

Fields of green and rainbow, flowers of every sort and colour, a few tall trees strewn about, but mostly small ones sparsely placed, flying whales could be seen in the distance, a flying shark, flying manta rays, land animals unlike anything seen before. Lights dancing in the sky, rainbow refractions and aurora's filled the sky. A light breeze picked up sending leaves and spores into the wind and scents beyond the wildest imagination.

Most of the animals stopped to look at them before going back to their lives.

Butterflies swarmed them, bees enjoyed them and other unique creatures came to see them.

Zamasu was in awe, entranced by it all, whilst Shenron simply watched him.

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen Shenron, this may have you beat haha and Shenron giggled.

Come motioned Shenron, there's more ...

They climbed the hill nearby and looked out at the vastness, despite the planets size, it was still very big. A lake could be seen and a vast ocean beyond that and what looked like a storm beginning to stir to the East.

But what caught him was the house atop a hill.


Let's go see why don't we?

They flew together to the house and Zamasu recognised it as the one on Earth.


Go inside.

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now