Blighted Lands Part 2

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No idea what to name it as I'm so tired I have literally run out of ideas lol. Since not much happens though aside from eternally bad luck as usual, it can be called part 2 of the Blighted Lands for now.


Aureen! Grav! nice to see you guys again!

They just stared teeth bared on the sides of their mouths before their lips lifted and they charged him.

He had no trouble keeping them off him, the issue would be how to give them the paste, he couldn't smear it on them due to the slime, so he'd have to force it down their gullets, but how? he didn't want to touch them.

No matter what I try without some telekinesis I won't be able to give them the paste, I really don't want to touch them as I may get infected again.

He was about to use the spell when he remembered the Divine Gauntlet, yes that should work, I simply need to summon it.

It appeared out of thin air, he caught it, put it on and screamed as it melded with his entire arm.

Dammit I didn't think it would meld into my flesh, but this perhaps is a good thing for the inevitable fight with Garland.

Gaaahh he yelled out when runes appeared, lit up and the gauntlet was firmly in place and unremovable until the runes disappeared.

If I'm correct each month 1 rune should disappear, meaning I'm stuck with this awful looking thing on my arm for 3 months.

He scooped some paste, smoothing it over the gauntlet and than charged for their mouths, which was easier said than done apparently.

It took him like an hour of trying but he finally did both of them.

As they lay there, the slime dissipated from their bodies, the teeth baring ended and their eyes returned to normal.

Shenron dragged both their asses into the house. Of course Grav had to be reduced in size.

He put each in a bed of their own and reheated the food and biscuits should they want any once they awoke.

As night befell them, he had to put a shield up so no one could see lights within the house.

Aureen woke up first and with a very mighty gasp.

Shenron flew into her room upon hearing her to make sure she was alright.

Shenron? omg it's so good to see you, what happened though?

Pollution toad ...


Nope, Garland.

Huh whose that?

Pollution toad.

Well yeah duh, but how do you even know their names?

King of the Creators now I know everything.

That's kinda a big deal, wow congrats I guess?

If you want, but it's not necessary, I was already a Creator so not much of a step up, my powers didn't really increase that much.

But Shenron I feel like I knew this about you before ...

Yeah it seems the pollution toad messed with your memories. Which is weird as yours were removed whilst Zamasu's were restored ...

Wait he has his memories back?

Yep and boy was he angry ...

Where is he?

I don't know actually he left a few minutes before you guys arrived.

And you just let him leave?!?

Well yeah I'm not going to force him to stay against his will ...

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