Their Lives After The Fight

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Bloody title ... lol I had no idea what to write which is super rare for me. This chapter made the other look like a disaster ... I loved writing this one and when I read over it omg! beautiful like Zamasu himself hehe.


It had been but a day since the battle with Kuringa, the trio rather exhausted from the day before, they all got out of bed begrudgingly, with Zamasu and Shenron laughing at each other's resentment over having to wake up today at all or even simply having to get out of bed at all.

They walked out of their shared room to see Black was already making tea, at least that's was one thing they didn't need to do themselves.

"How did you guys sleep?" he asked

"It was fine, would have preferred not to get up at all today though", stated Zamasu in a tired, annoyed tone.

"I hear you, I barely made it out of bed myself ..." said Black.

"How's bout you Shenron?" Black queried.

"Didn't want to get out of bed either ... I'm so exhausted from the fight, despite it not really being me who fought her ..." "but I suppose the Dark used my body, so ... yeah whatever." he ended on an annoyed tone.

"Well things will only get better from here on out!" Black said gleefully.

He looked towards the two who were completely out of it and huffed.

"Let's enjoy some tea and biscuits and ..." he looked over to Zamasu who had stood up abruptly.

"Zamasu?" asked Shenron looking a tad worried.

"I'm suddenly very hungry Shenron, I might ..." he was ready to leave.

"Let me join you, I have something I want to show you." spoke Shenron in a happy tone.

Zamasu looked at him and took his tone in, he was kinda disheartened that in this moment he couldn't feel happy like the other two. He was starving and he needed to feed and that's all that was on his mind right now. Happiness would have to wait.

"Sure, I don't see why not." he spoke and Shenron flew out the door and waited for him to be ready. After all he didn't need clothes.

Once Zamasu came out, he took his hand and they flew to Earth.

Zamasu picked out his target and went on the prowl. He stalked her to her house and hid in the shadows awaiting to make his move.

Once he was sure she was alone, he pounced on her, his teeth ferociously digging into her as his vampire side craved her blood. The hunger making it hard to control himself.

He was suddenly soothed however by a certain dragon who had come up behind him and started caressing him. "Take it slow Zamasu, relish the moment" the dragon had said as he kissed his neck, Zamasu falling under the dragons spell.

He removed his fangs from his victim to turn his head and kiss the dragon, he had his eyes closed as he deepened the kiss and the dragon gladly took it despite the blood in his mouth.

He released the dragons mouth and went back to his victim, injecting his fangs more carefully into her flesh and this time she moaned instead of screaming.

"There you go, that's better isn't it?" the dragon spoke soothingly.

As the Kai was mesmerised by the dragons tone and his victims blood, Shenron took the time to come up to the left side of the girl and sank his fangs into her too, relishing her flavour.

It didn't take long for the Kai to notice this, his eyes wide and he had stopped feeding to feast his eyes on the dragon instead.

"Your a vampire again?" the Kai said.

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