Bleeding Chaos

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Couldn't get it out of my mind so had to write it, had trouble with the rest as I just didn't feel like writing today.

But I pushed on so I could write enough to be able to call it at least another chapter.

I had forgotten all about the heavenly Zamasu visit, but yeah as of right now he doesn't remember, but I'd like to make it so that at some point he does. If I add it again, maybe I'll remember to write about it later.


Zamasu ...

Yes Aureen?

With Mother's amplifying of my abilities and giving me the knowledge I needed to take over for dad, I ... have the ability to see your memories ... you were sent to heaven when you died a mortal ...

Yeah, it's honestly something unprecedented, me ... the things I'd done and to be sent there of all places. I suppose I had more than redeemed myself in my mortal life.

Do you remember anything from your time there?

No, but I know I was there and I know I was there longer than the days on Earth.

That's a shame, I would've loved to hear what it's like, I wonder if Mother created the heavens and hells of each cosmos or did they simply create themselves.

I would think that she did, I'd find it hard to believe that they just came about by themselves.

Yeah ... I'll have to ask her sometime.

Anyways, how is everything helping?

I feel around 40% better, so it's working very effectively.

Oh gosh that is so great to hear!

Well until your 100% or near it we're stuck in here, so let's talk about your life with the mortals, surely it wasn't all bad right?

As Aureen and Zamasu spoke, Shenron started holding a grudge ... that he said he wouldn't.

Argh! she's become so incredibly annoying, if I let this slide she'll see me as weak ... I cannot allow it, cannot possibly fathom it, I will get you back for this Aureen, no idea how, but I must stand up for myself.

Shenron you mentioned some being as the source of the earthquakes earlier, did you recognise it?

No I didn't, I have no idea who it was.

Dad, should we really be concentrating on a "being" or the sky? what's going on there isn't natural and it's giving me seriously bad vibes.

Gohan ... we ... no your right, the sky looks to be a growing problem.


Huh? Yeah?

You seem distant lately ...

It's nothing, it's just that as usual we're threatened by some unknown presence and it's just so hard to have a life you know ... it's hard to enjoy oneself and be happy.

Yeah ... that's pretty common though for me.

Maybe for you it is as you grew up in it, I was born to this world and realistically to me this is all becoming a little too much ... I don't know how some people/Gods do it honestly.

To me this is all becoming a little too much ...

Goku looked on towards Shenron, he not only acted differently ... dare he say more maturely ... but like he had lived through hell and barely made it out the other side.

I've got to go think Goku, Gohan, I will see you guys later.

I can't stop thinking of what has befallen Mother ... the encroaching storm worries me to no end, this cosmos is quite far out compared to the others, so it'll be months before it reaches us.

But it has me beyond worried as to what it will mean for this cosmos and the others.

No doubt it's nearing the first one as I speak, what will it do when it envelops it?

Turn it to stardust? choke the life from it? set it on fire? turn the inhabitants into mindless zombies?

I worry greatly ...

Aureen sensed Shenron's worry, even from all the way up here.

I know how you feel Shenron, I'm worried too. Dad where are you? I could use your wisdom ...

Beyond reality ...

Hmm ... most curious, this sensation feels like Giavaladus ... but he's dead ... how can this be?

I must head back home, I must know what is going on ...

Mistress ... grave news, the tests show increasing corruption and chaos leakage from your body due to this ... Aether ...

I would suggest you lock yourself in the chamber ... I mean at least until we can figure out how to fix this ...

Karin, I don't want to be stuck in there ...

Yes I know, but this is dangerous territory your treading into ... we don't know what chaos and corruption of this sort could do to the worlds out there ... I don't think we can take any chances ...

Mistress NO!

Karin was obliterated by Maria.

You will not stop me, pathetic creation of mine, I shall corrupt everything ...

Oh goodness what am I doing?!?

Karin ... oh no ...

I can't let it control me, I must force myself into the chamber before I loose control again. Easier said than done ...

Gravalatus suddenly felt something he never wished to feel. I'm coming Maria, just hold on!

Aureen's keen senses picked it up too. Mother ...

Shenron suddenly looked to the sky and his body shook from the feeling he got.

If that sort of power is let loose on us, it will be the end of all of us he murmured.

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