Holy Radiance Shenron

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This took me awhile honestly, than I had to wash my hair and continued it in my head to write it later whilst showering. I forgot a majority of the words I was meant to use I noted, so kinda disappointed with that.

The Father of all creation was a shower creation lol, I figured one last Creator but rather the real one, not the smaller ones. I felt this was needed and so I rolled with it.

I suppose now that I'm done with that storyline, I can finally get on to Xavou and the future.

Hopefully it doesn't end up sucking as I feel I used most of my creativity for the Queens storyline lol.


Shenron wanted to enjoy the festivities, but he had to go back home, he had to know if Molkor was still alive in the future and if he was he had to put an end to him there too once and for all.

I'm sorry my Queen ... I'd love to stay here and enjoy this most joyous time, but ...

I know, you must know if Molkor is still alive in your time. I understand and you are free to leave and come back as you please.

Being the King now I reckon I have the privilege whether you approve it or not ...

Haha yes you are right, but Shenron don't let that new power go to your head.

Are you coming with me Farrend?

No I think I'll stay here awhile longer to reacquaint myself with those I haven't seen in years. I've missed them and them me.

Shenron nodded. He than opened a portal and stepped through it. He walked into the bright light and did a 360 out in the world. I am back indeed.

Shenron Molkor looked bewildered to see him, not necessarily him to that degree but rather his new and amazing colouring caught the beasts eye.

Why do Shenron's golden scales reflect prismatic rainbow colours? and what is that neon blue glow he has under his scales? I've never seen anything like it and I was born so long ago.

His aura is different too, he's calm and focused and there's an undertone there that I don't like.

Molkor ... said Shenron in an undertone laced voice.

Molkor physically shivered at the tone.

So friend ... he tried to play it off, how have you been lately?

I've been great Molkor.

Not uhh that eager to talk your mouth off anymore huh old friend?

I can talk if you want Molkor, but you won't like what I have to say, since the topic will be you.

My topic? are you sure I wouldn't like that?

It involves the words "you maniacal murderer" so take a guess would you like that?

I don't know what you mean Shenron? me a murderer?

I was there and I watched you slaughter thousands, you can say you didn't do it, but you did regardless of what you say.

You were there? and where was there exactly?

Age 213

Well I was never in Age 213 so what you saw wasn't me, sorry to say old friend.

Why do you keep calling me that? do you know me from ages past?

No it's just wording I've always used.

I think your hiding something Molkor and I think I've got you backed up against the wall.

Theoretical wall I hope?

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