Torturing Black

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Couldn't stop thinking about it so wrote it lol, but I really didn't feel like it after those 6200 words previously. But yeah when you can't stop thinking about it? write it!

I forgot about Astrid lol, so that's why the ending feels odd. Cause I had to add that part in ...


As their ritual and highs came to an end both suddenly realised what had happened and they couldn't be any happier if they had tried.

I'm a vampire again wow!

Yes you are my serenely beautiful Kai.

Zamasu couldn't help but blush at his words, that tugged at his heartstrings.

Once more tongues became entangled before they got up to think of a plan.

So we need to capture him by tonight, because he's demanding the file and Astrid's life is on the line.

Wait what?

Yeah, once we became soul paired again my powers totally blew up and I saw him taking Astrid and threatening her, she'll likely call soon and than we need a plan to get him here and downstairs.

So the soul pairing was real?

Yes it appeared to be.


Anyways I'm going to go down there and create the cell and bindings etc, I need you to come up with the plan as he is you and you'll know better than me.

You have a couple of me's inside you though.

Sure but trust me it's not the same ...

Shenron made the cell, the magical bindings, the wards and runes and once he was happy and completely sure of everything he went back upstairs to a Kai who was stuck in thought, mumbling to himself.

Is talking to yourself working?

No, it's not ... I'm not sure what we can try, I haven't been Black in so long that ...

Yeah I know.

Let's go over some ideas and see what we both can think of and than the phone rang.

Shenron? Zamasu? help me please ...

You hear that you pathetic filthy trash! I will kill her if you don't hand over the file by let's say 3 pm.

I can give it to you Black but you need to meet me at my house. I will unveil myself and you come see me, leave her out of this, she has ...

Don't kid me dragon she has everything to do with this, I will come with her and should you dare try anything she'll die.

Fine by me.

See you later ... than he hung up.

Remind me never to be nice to your other selves ever again.

Haha laughed Zamasu.

At 3 pm he had arrived with Astrid who was badly beaten.

I told you to leave her out of it!

Sorry I couldn't help myself, I see mortals I just ... as he ran his bladed hand across her chest, she screamed.


Fine ... she was boring me anyways ...

He dropped her onto the ground and walked up to the dragon who held out the file.

Say dragon where's your boyfriend?

He's right here, I never imagined I was this evil, my memories are all over the place these days, but I was right to accept the change in myself, you are nothing but a walking meat bag, wasted God.

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