Blighted Lands

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I don't think this was written very well today if I'm honest, but it was plaguing my mind so I had to write it. Once I go over it, I'll see how bad it is, maybe it won't be as bad as it felt writing it, mainly the first part felt badly written.

Yeah so read it, it's not great as I knew it would be, but it could be a hell of a lot worse honestly.


He wasn't liking this one bit, he felt a lot of strange energies within this swamp and knew that he'd have to face off against at least some of them, no way it would be that easy.

Shenron and the other two despite being afflicted were not as crazy as the rest. Aureen and Grav were blissfully flying around without a care in the world, Shenron looked on towards Zamasu and pondered if he'd make it to where he was going.

Shenron flew away from the others and followed the Kai instead.

Xavou was in his own dreamland as he just flew around the destroyed blistering city in a trance.

One could say that immortal God beings were being affected differently by this blight. But that didn't make them any less dangerous if they saw a threat.

Zamasu couldn't help but shudder at the feeling rising up his spine. He felt watched, perhaps even followed, but he could see nothing as he looked around wearily.

He came to a clearing with a blistering boiling river running through it. He listened intently to any scuffling nearby, but heard nothing out of the ordinary.

The river blistered and boiled, the trees waved in the wind and whistling sounds could be heard, but nothing that would give leeway to a band of dangerous creatures.

He couldn't risk using his Ki to fly, so he sprinted and jumped across the river, hoping he wouldn't accidentally touch it and thankfully he didn't. He landed over the other side safe and sound. But the landing did cause a lot of noise so he quickly gathered himself and kept moving.

Unbeknownst to him rabid crazed animals had both seen and heard him and were following him.

A haunting hoot could suddenly be heard from a nearby owl. Than a sudden hiss and snarl.

When Zamasu turned around there was at least 40 animals behind him. Slime dripping off them, them growling incessantly and the rage clearly evident on their faces.

He turned and he ran, but where was he going? if he went in the wrong direction he'd loose the heart completely, he had to be careful, but he also had to run.

He got far ahead of them and than found a cave, he couldn't risk it out here, he ran in, right into the backside of a sleeping bear who was not afflicted yet.

The bear awoke and looked at him, letting out a giant roar. He tried to calm him, but it was no use, he hauled himself over the bear and headed deeper into the cave, the bear actually not bothering to follow him.

As it lay back down the group of animals appeared, it got back up to scare them, but they were not afraid and pounced on him, nipping at his flesh, digging their blighted teeth into his flesh and polluting him too.

Within seconds of the attack he was oozing slime, he looked rabid and diseased and he looked to the back of the cave where Zamasu had gone and he went after him. The rest of the animals giving up their chase and leaving the cave.

Zamasu hadn't stopped for even a second, even after he had heard the bear back down, he knew the other animals might still be after him and he couldn't take any chances.

In the furtherest reaches of the cave was an open ceiling with beautiful greenery and a big tree and a blue pond, nothing was tainted here yet. It smelled like a damp cave but also like flowers and life.

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now