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The next morning, me and lo woke up and did out morning routine. We knew after the events that happened last night. Our father wasn't going to let us out at all. We were going to be his prisoners.

After we finished and threw on comfy clothes. We headed downstairs and Jules our maid already had breakfast for us. I wasn't hungry so I told her to wrap it up for me. I just needed coffee cause of the throbbing pain in my head. The worse hangover that I ever had in my life.

Sitting on the couch, with my legs to my chest and a blanket covered over them. I turned the TV on and drinking my coffee. Switching through the channels until I stopped when I see a missing person.

Lo came in and joined me on the couch with her coffee. Shocked that my ex's name was on the screen.

-This Just in, a search is out for Chris Joukyou. He was last seen at Seventh Heaven last night. No witnesses saw where he has gone. Authorities were called when his parents called saying he never got home. The club was closed down and everyone left. As you can see that the police is checking the whole club for evidence as to where he could be. If you know anything please call our hotline. For more information, you can check our website or stay tuned-

"Holy mother of God" Lo said

I stayed on the channel and not even blinking. Could those men in black have done something?


Our dad's yell made us both jump and turned to see him pacing back and forth in the foyer. His face was red like a balloon. Veins in his neck as he continued to yell.

All me and Lo did was stare at him. Not even drinking our coffee.


We see him hung up his phone and walk in front of us. Seizing in a anger as his hands are clenched. The cracking of his phone can be heard on how hard he was squeezing his hand.

"Those men in black was the blackjack serpents. They caused Chris's disappearnce.. my men searched last night at every fucking place they could've been at. There is no fucking trace of his body or the Blackjack Serpants! They have caused all this fucking shit. IN MY FUCKING CITY!!!" My dad yelled

Our front door slammed open, walking in with his guards was my uncle Jackson Wang. Anger as well on his face as well. The temperature in the flared up as both men stand before us. Shivers went both down our spines.

"H-hi uncle" I said

"Lo... Jay" he said with no emotion.

Both my father and uncle eyes were cold and black. They were facing us like this was our fault. We didn't see anything.

"Did you see anything suspicious?" He asked

"No uncle not at all" Lo said

"Jay said she saw the Blackjack Serpants" our father said

"What were they doing jay?" He asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

"All I saw was three of them carry Chris away. I didn't know what to do at that time. I just froze as I saw Chris trying to fit out of their grasps. And after that I didn't see them leave. But two of the men were close by me. Watching my every move and I didn't know why. It made me uncomfortable" I said

They stared at eachother like they were reading each other's mind. Me and Lo looked at eachother confused at what they could be thinking. We stared back at the two men in front of us.

My uncle nodded his head and faced us.

"You both are going to be trained" he said

"What?" Lo asked

"We are going to train you both so you can carry guns and join our mafia" our uncle said

"No! Absolutely not!" Lo yelled

"SILENCE!" our dad yelled

"You will listen to us! You will be taught how to shoot a gun, fight and will become our soliders whether you like it or not!" Our uncle said

"Girls cannot be in a mafia!" Lo yelled

I just sat there watching everything.

Me carrying a gun? Fighting? Killing people? That's not me!

"Who said they couldn't Lo? Your mother knew how to do all this shit. But yet, I made her stay home. I didn't want nothing happening to her but she was safe at home. I watched as she killed one of the cobras in our house while she was pregnant with you Lo. Your mother was a warrior before cancer took over her body. And I want you both protected and ready. Just like she was. Your brother also was learned everything before he got shot in the head when he was in a mission assigned by me. You two will only be staying home. But you will be apart of our mafia whether you like it or not. That being said, no school, friends, NOTHING! you will be home at all times. " our father said

"But But.." I tried to talk but he stopped me

"No butts jay" he said

"Father listen to me. You told us you don't want us apart of this. You wanted us just to stay home and be normal girls." I said

"Well, now with all this shit happening I need you both. I know what I said, but it's for your own good and protection. It has gotten worse with the blackjack serpents being here. And I need you both to be safe. This is the only option. And like I told you last night, I promised your mother. I don't want to break that" he said

"This is so unfair!" Lo yelled she got up walking to her room

I just sat there not saying a word to the two men above me. Putting my head down as I fiddled with my fingers.

The couch dipped on both of me as I felt both big strong hands on my shoulders.

Lifting my chin up with his finger, my father looked at me. He saw the tears in my eyes as they were about to fall. Wiping the single one that rolled down my cheek.

"Jay please don't cry" he said

"I-I c-cant help it father" I said

"Just do this for me please?" He asked

"I-I'm not going to be a normal girl no more dad... I already lost my life being born in this family. I wish I never married into a mafia! I'm going to be a known as a murder!!!" I said

Pushing both their hands off of me as I stood walking and crying up to my room. The tears and sobs wouldn't stop. My father called out for me.

"Jay please.... stop! Jay" he called out to me. And his tone wasn't angry or anything. But it was worried and upset.

I turned around on the step looking at my father. Who stood at the bottom of that steps. His eyes glassy and looked like he was going to cry.

"Please Jay... do this for me. I love you" he said choking up on his words.

"I HATE YOU!" I said crying

Running up the stairs to my room not even looking at my father. Oh his knelt down on the ground.

I know he was faking... He never cared for me and my sister.

We were nothing to him... Just useless pile of garbage.

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