Chapter 5 - How Corny.

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Kyles Pov:

I stayed up almost all night listening to music so in the morning it took literal strength to get out of bed. I looked like shit, and felt like shit. I dragged myself through the day doing pointless work I already knew how to do, until I got to 7th period, my last class. I walked in and sat at my desk as normal. The lack of sleep was really starting to kick in and I felt myself dozing off every few seconds. I scanned the room embarrassed by myself hoping no one was looking. "No fucking way." I thought to myself. I looked at the other side of the room. "No fucking way." I repeated in my head. Stan motherfucking Marsh in my 7th period history. I swear the universe is playing tricks on me. I guess thats what I missed from skipping the second half of school yesterday. He was just sitting there with his headphones in staring at his desk. He looks like such a fucking loser, I laughed to myself at the sight. How corny is this, of course he gets put in one of my classes. Too bad I was never gonna talk to him again, unless maybe he talked to me, but I doubt that will ever come again. I'd probably have to get in another fight or do some fucked up shit to get his attention, he doesn't keep his attention on people too long unless they're really special. I always thought I was that person to him, until he left. During his whole disappearance he never thought to visit, call, shit even text, which made me kind of resent him. How do you just bail on a friend like that? Unless you never really cared for them in the first place. I know it was probably selfishness talking but it really struck a nerve with me. Hell, even 2 years later in junior year it still annoys me to think about. I hear the bell ring, no way I was in my thoughts for that long. I rush to the door, hoping to get in-front of Stan, maybe he'll talk to me again if he sees me. I walk out, he's right behind me. I walk in-front of him all the way up until I see Wendy. Nothing. Of course now he wont talk to me now that he saw me with Wendy. Oh well, I need to stop obsessing over talking to him anyways. We were friends in the past, I need to put it behind me. Wendy greets me and grabs my arm. I take her home on Friday's so we can go out to eat before going home, sometimes do some thrifting too. As I was driving her home I got a call from my mom. "Hey booblieboo, can you come straight home today? I have something planned and I need you to be here to help." Me and Wendy look at each other bummed out. "Yeah mom, i'll be there in a bit." I say while rolling my eyes and hanging up. "It's okay, maybe we can go eat tomorrow?" she says trying to cheer up the mood. "Yeah, sure." I say still annoyed. I drop her off at her house and speed off to mine.

At my house I walk in the door to my mom cooking frantically. "Oh, hi baby! Can you please come help wit-" she says while handing me a cutting board and knife, pointing to some vegetables on the counter. "Whats this for?"
I say while making my way to the counter. "Oh sweetie, I'm having someone over for dinner. I met him a few days ago and invited him and his son over tonight. I think his son is your age." she says smiling, trying to avoid any negative feelings towards it. I don't say anything, at least maybe she'll get over dad now. As we are almost done cooking theres a knock at the door. She nearly jumps and makes me take over her cooking. I look back as she opens the door and greets them. No fucking way. No. Fucking. Way. As I stare at the door with my eyes about to bulge out my head, I see Stan Marsh and his dad walk through the door.

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