Chapter 20 - And Then Everything Went Downhill.. Kind Of.

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Tw: Mentions of Sexual Assault

Kyles Pov:

I spent the whole week crying into Stan's jacket. He hadn't come to school the day after that incident, and since it was Friday I wouldn't be able to know if he eventually came back until next week.  I started thinking the worst as always. What if they moved away again. I'd never fucking know because I had no idea where they were staying. Stan wasn't answering his calls or texts either, I guess his dad had his phone or something. The worst thing is I had to deal with this by myself. Wendy still wasn't talking to me and it felt like fucking shit. I decided fuck that, I'm making Wendy tell me what the fuck I did and what the fuck happened to make her so angry at me. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth, then slipped on some clothes and Stan's jacket and headed for the door. As I made my way to it, I looked down the hall to my mother's room, where I saw her knocked out in a chair with a cigarette still in her hand. "She never smoked before.." I found myself mumbling. I walked over, and examined her body in the chair. When I looked over at the counter a bottle of whiskey was sitting there empty. Oh shit. I tried waking her up for a few seconds, I had to start shaking her violently for her to even respond, I thought she was fucking dead for a sec. She slightly opened her eyes and smiled. "Kyle..? Oh my sweet baby.", she said reaching her arms out for me. I used one arm to hug her and another to put out her cigarette. "Mom, let me help you into bed." It hurt so bad seeing my mom like this. I assisted her into bed and she plopped down. I put her blanket over her and she put her hand on my cheek. "Don't you want to lay down with mommy?", she said slurring. "Oh, no thanks mom. I have to go do something." "You're such a good boy Kyle..", she said as her hand moved down my waist. Fuck no. I backed up low key weirded out by what the fuck just happened, I know shes drunk but I was not about to wait and see where she went with that. I didn't even say bye or look back to make sure she went to sleep. I just speed walked out the house as tears started streaming down my face. Why does everything in my life have to be so fucked up. Why can't I ever just have one person who I can trust. Those words circulated in my head as I aggressively popped in one of The Cure albums Stan had left, still crying all over my hands. The Faith album of course, Stan's favorite. As I backed out of the driveway I found myself crying even more, to the point I had to breath out my mouth. I needed Stan so bad. I needed anyone so bad. But no one was there.

I pulled up sloppily into Wendy's driveway and examined the house trying to pull myself together. None of Wendy's parents cars were there, they could all very well be on some vacation or something. It was still worth a try, if anything I could just sit on her porch until they got back home, I didn't care if it made me look like a creep, I was determined to fix things. As I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, I felt myself beginning to cry again. Why the fuck am I doing this, shes not even home. My crying got worse and worse. Im such a patheti- "Kyle?" I heard a soft voice say from the other side of the door. I looked up, embarrassed that she was seeing me crying this bad, I really didn't expect her to be home. "Are you okay?", she said, opening the door wider to examine my face. "Wendy I really just.. need to come in right now." I said trying to catch my breath with every word. You know when you cry so hard you cant breathe so it's hard to talk, that was me times 10. She had a look of pity on her face, and although I could tell her was hesitant, she let me in and closed the door behind her. "I made some tea earlier.. do you want some?" she said looking back at me from the kitchen entrance as I sat on her couch, I nodded silently and 2 minutes later she returned with a cup for me. "We can go up to my room, my mom has too much shit everywhere in here.", although I didn't mind the mess because my house was way worse right now, I accepted her offer. We both walked upstairs entering her room, I plopped down on a bean bag and she sat in her desk chair. We sat in silence for a bit, she was playing some old dreamy music from the 40s on her vinyl player, I always told her she was an old soul, like her soul had been on this Earth already before, and I think she secretly believed it too. "Wendy.. can you please just tell me why you're ignoring me. I don't get why you'd rather avoid me then talk." I said looking to her with a half mad half sad face. "You really upset me Kyle." "What did I do? I'm sorry I wasn't responding on the phone I got caught up with-" I stopped myself, almost doing exactly what Kenny had told me not to. "With what." she said looking at me coldly. "Buisness.", I said quietly. "No, why don't you tell me what was so important. What was soooo fucking important that caused you to leave me by my fucking self?" she said getting way more aggressive. "Something that you don't need to fucking know Wendy." "Why? Why do you always feel the need to protect me from shit like I can't fucking handle it? I'm not a fucking little girl." "Because you're sitting here acting like im the worst fucking person in the world for being too busy to help you on one fucking night.", I said putting me tea on the ground and getting up, throwing my arms up defensively. "I fucking needed you that night!" Wendy said getting up too. "Oh so now you need me, I thought you were mrs fucking independe-" "I GOT FUCKING R***D."


My heart dropped to my feet. No no no no please don't be true. I stood there in front of her silent, her face was really red and she started crying while turning around. "I was r***d you asshole.", she said again as she walked into her bathroom and slammed the door behind her. My eyes immediately started swelling up with tears. "Oh my god." I subconsciously let out quietly. I heard her crying in the bathroom quietly, I should've just left her house right there, I was a fucking horrible person. What the fuck was wrong with me. I started digging my nails into my hands as the sadness turned into anger, then I stopped. I'm being fucking selfish. Wendy's in there crying and probably reliving what happened and i'm trying to hurt myself. I stopped and walked over to the bathroom, she had left it unlocked, I knew that she wanted me to comfort her. When I walked in she was sitting in a corner with her knees to her chest, crying into them. My god it was so fucking painful to see her like this. I sat down beside her and wrapped my arms around her. She eased into me and eventually ended up laying her head in my lap while crying onto my legs. I ran my fingers through her her while she held my other hand with one of hers. "I'm so sorry Wendy." I said quietly. She didn't reply, she just kept crying. I don't know why, but the overprotective best friend in me that I know shouldn't have came out in that moment couldn't stay quiet anymore. "Who was it." I said pissed off. Her crying went quiet after I said that. "Wendy, I need you to tell me. Who did it." She stayed quiet still. "I can't tell you Ky." I sat her up and positioned my body towards her, grabbing her face gently, while wiping the remaining tears she had off. "Wendy, I know how you are. I know you keep shit from me because you're scared I'll do something I regret. But this time, I can't fucking stress it enough, you need to fucking tell me." I said looking into her eyes making sure she was looking at mine. "Please Wendy." I said as her crying started up again. "It was Clyde." she said looking at the ground. That dirty son of a bitch. I let go of her and jumped up with a mission, "NO KYLE." she said before yanking me back down. "Wendy!" I said trying to get her off of me as she cried into my arm. "Please no. You can't hurt him, he'll fucking kill me!" she whinnied into my arm, not releasing her grip. I felt her shaking, and knew I had to put my anger aside just this once. My body relaxed from its tenseness and I grabbed her again, pulling her into me with all my strength. "He'll never fucking touch you again. I'll make sure." I said grabbing her face again. She stared at me for a few seconds, before leaning in and kissing me. My butterflies started up and my face got hot, it was probably bright red. I'd never expected Wendy to want to kiss me. Yea we got it as some dares back in the day, but this time, she wanted to by herself. I let my body relax as I kissed her back, tilting my head a bit to fully taste her lips. She tasted like cherries or strawberry's, maybe both. She pulled me up and held my hand all the way till we reached her bed.

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