Chapter 23 - A Chance at Life

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Stan's pov:

About half an hour after I escaped that hell hole, and after some begging and pleading from Kenny and Craig about what happened, I finally told them. I basically told them my whole life story so they could understand why I did what I did, and by the end both their jaws were wide open. "Jesus christ dude.. ur fucked up as shit" Craig said laughing, me and Kenny laughed too.
He really wasn't wrong, all those years of having to put up with my dads bullshit really fucked me over, mentally at least. Physically too of course but, nothing compares to the mental side. "Well dude, you know we're always here for you, if you needs crash here for a while its chill." Kenny said patting me on my back. "Yeah bro, my parents left me the house when they moved to a new state on business. They helped me learn how to do what they do so im pretty much set for life." Craig said leading back in his gaming chair. "You can literally live here with us if you wont, we don't mind. There's an extra bedroom and everything." My eyes widened at his offer. This was probably the best thing thats ever happened to me, I wouldn't have to stay with my asshole dad, and could literally do whatever I wanted. "Really? That'd be fucking sick. I don't think I can go back now anyways" I said halfway laughing. "Yeah dude we got you." Craig said punching me in the shoulder playfully. "Tomorrow we can go get you a car from my uncles scrap yard. He fixes them up and sells them, I could probably get you a good deal with the money I got from that deal." Kenny said getting up to go roll a blunt. "I'd appreciate that so much. Oh shit I forgot about that. What happened with that whole shooting thing?" I said remembering back about all the shit with the detectives. "Oh, we just said the dudes he was with did it, it made sense because they fled town and we didn't, we got off the hook mothafuckaaaa" Kenny said dancing in his chair, I laughed at him. Looks like all our lives were fixed. After we smoked a bit they showed me to the guest bedroom and helped me get settled. As I layed there all night all I could think about was Kyle. I wish I could've called him, but my phone was smashed, and he fell off with the guys so none of them had his number saved. Oh shit, I'll just go visit him tomorrow after I get the car, duh. I felt myself smiling thinking about being able to see him again, I was so excited.

(The Friday chapter 21 ended on)

The next day came around, and I was woken up to some slaps. "Get up dude we gotta go make a deal." Kenny said before speed walking out the room, brushing his teeth as he did. Shit, I slept in till 12. I jumped up, grabbing some clothes from the drawers. I ran to the bathroom beside my room and took a quick shower, brushing my teeth at the same time. I hopped out and combed my hair a bit before meeting the guys in the kitchen. I tried to give Kenny some cash I had in my wallet but he declined, I guess his drug shit really payed off. They grabbed 2 packs of beers out the fridge and we all headed to the car. I wonder why they even need two.. in rehab I learned its okay to drink, just not in excessive amounts, aka, not more than you need, and two was way more than we needed. It was 2 packs of 12, and there was only 3 of us, 1 would've been way more than enough. Regardless, I stayed quiet as they handed me one. Kenny let me ride shotgun and it felt good, just chilling and riding around town with some fire ass music playing, I felt like how a teenager should feel at this age. After we made it to the yard Kenny secured a hella good deal with his uncle, and agreed for him to tow it to Craigs by Sunday, aka 2 days from now. We left the car lot stoked, they were so happy for me, but I was definitely the happiest, I could have a chance at my own life without my dad trying to stop me. I got handed another beer before we got back on the road and I realized I was on my forth. I was usually told after the 4th beer you shouldn't drink more, but I was so happy with everything, oh well fuck it, I can celebrate today. I popped the top off with my teeth and chugged, as the guys cheered me on. It felt great, I felt my buzz coming on strong, then I remembered about Kyle. "Oh shit dudes, I know you just did me the biggest favor ever, but I need an even bigger one." "Yea bro wassup?" Kenny said looking over to me as we stopped at a stop sign. "Can you like (hiccup) take me to Kyles house (hiccup) real quick. I need to let him at least know i'm good." I said kind of embarrassed, I saw Kenny start smiling like he had some funny thought about it. "Mmmmh, am I gonna need to leave you there for a bit orrr.." he said smirking as he started driving a bit, while Craig giggled in the back. "Bro, I'm not gonna fuck him." I said rolling, already knowing what they were thinking. "Whaaaaat, I never said that" he said jokingly, as he took another swig of beer. "No but for real I got you, what are the directions?" I directed Kenny all the way until we got to Kyle's house. When we finally pulled up to his house, I noticed his truck wasn't there. Hm.. thats weird.. he's always home. Still, I wasn't gonna pass up a chance to see him. I walked up his porch stairs as Kenny and Craig stepped out the truck and smoked a cigarette, as I and knocked hard on the door. No answer. I knocked a couple of times, and looked back at the truck, Kenny and Craig were eyeing me confused. Damn.. I guess he's not here. As I turned around to leave I heard the door creek open and it felt like my heart stopped. I rushed back to the door to see.. oh. Just his mom. And she looked in really bad shape.. "Oh, hello sweetie. Nice to see you.", she said holding a cigarette. She never smoked before.. and definitely would never in the house. "Uh hi Ms Broflovski.. Is Ky here??" "Oh.. no hun. He hasn't been back for a while." "Oh... sorry mrs.. thank you though!" I said turning around as she slowly closed the door. Jesus.. I guess he ran away too. Thats weird though, his mom didn't seem mad at him at all, maybe he did it because of me only. I got back into the truck tipsy and bummed out. Kenny and Craig didn't say anything, they just both put their hands on my shoulders. "It's okay dude, he'll come around soon, and you can go visit him yourself." Kenny said warmly smiling at me. He was right, I shouldn't be sad, I just have to wait till he's back. My mood cheered up and they got happy at the sight. We all jumped back into truck and got our next beer, as we drove off. "Bro, I don't feel like going home." Craig said as he halfway chugged his beer. "Y'all wanna go fuck some shit up?" Kenny said smiling and looking at us in the rearview mirror. "Fuck yes." I said chugging my beer. I had no idea what that meant, but I was excited. We spent the whole night getting drunk and riding around town, tearing up peoples lawns and knocking down mailboxes for no reason, it felt good to just be able to do dumb teenager shit again. With the alcohol, and my new favorite people, I had no worries in the world.

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