Chapter 40 - Fugitives

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Kyle's Pov:

I woke up before Stan did, feeling like I had just slept a thousand years. It was already 10 am and I knew we had to get going. I shook Stan and he groaned, wrapping his arms around my forearm and laying in the crease of my arm. I laughed at him knowing that he probably wished we could've laid there all day, "Get up idiot. We gotta go." I said shaking him until he finally got up and slapped my forehead.

We began getting ready to go out, taking baths with the probably-expired soap provided with the hotel, and putting on the clothes we had brought. We didn't have any toothbrushes or anything else, but it was fine because we had planned to go to the store to get hair dye later, so I'd just get all the stuff we'd need on our trip there. After I got out my shower I walked out with only my towel to get my clothes, I saw Stan smiling and rolled my eyes and smirked, he always got a little grin when he saw me fresh out of the shower. "I'm gonna miss your red curls.", he said coming up beside me and playing with them while I looked through the plastic bag I put all my belongings in. "Wow thanks, that makes me feel a lot better" I said rolling my eyes, knowing I'd definitely miss them too. "I was just playingggg you'll look cool as shit. You always called me emo and goth or whatever, but now we'll be emogoth twins", he said smirking and slapping the back of my neck. I smiled and rubbed the stinging feeling, but it didn't really help my feelings. I had always been so overprotective of my hair because it was basically my best quality. Yeah I got a few compliments on my looks every once in a while, but my hair was the wow-factor with chicks and stuff. Stan especially loves it so much, every time we're together he usually spends his time playing with it, I really hope it doesn't get ruined so I at least have something to keep him around.

We arrived back from the various stores we went to; the dollar store, thrift, & Chinese takeout because we both hadn't eaten since like 2 days ago. At the dollar store we both found some hair bleach and cheap black dye, along with some hygienic things. We went to the thrift to buy ourself new clothes to blend in. Stan ended up getting a giant black hoodie, and we both got some other baggy clothes, along with sunglasses to hide our eyes. We'd probably look way more suspicious with our new looks, but it was worth a shot. After we finished eating takeout on the floor Stan remembered he had only booked one night at the hotel, so he rushed out the room and down the stairs to the lobby as I watched from the window. When he returned back he was pissed off. "What happened?" I said confused. "Bro they took my fucking key and charged me extra for being late." he said. "Took your key?" "Yeah dude, we probably have to go before the cleaning people get here, fucking bitch." He said throwing himself down into the bed. "Then come on, lets dye our hair real quick and get going." I said getting up from the floor and pulling up from the bed by his hand. "Where are we gonna go?" Stan said following me into the bathroom with the bleach and dye. "I don't know, but we have to go. We don't need more attention on us." I said as I started running the water. "Wait, I just remembered, I don't know how to dye hair." I said looking back at Stan feeling like an idiot. "Dude, I do, I got it." I smiled remembering how much Stan always dyed his hair, he had so many different phases it was hard to count, my favorite was definitely his all blonde though. Of course, it looks good split dyed, but there was just something about the all blonde that brought out his blue eyes. I probably just had a slight thing for white boys.

I sat hanging over the bathtub as Stan washed out the bleach. "Shit, why do you look so attractive right now." Stan said smiling as he looked down at me. I got up and looked in the mirror while Stan stood wide-grinned behind me. It was like I had a epiphany, not being able to recognize myself without my red curls. They were now brown and I just looked like some normal loser kid. "I can do another coat to make it lighter." he said playing with it again. "Nah, actually, I kinda like it like this." I said examining myself. Stan smiled and nodded, "I like it too." I felt myself blushing and feeling corny for knowing that Stan still liked the way I looked, god I hate liking men. Stan still insisted to go all black, even though he was naturally black haired anyways so it wasn't a very good disguise. After we were both done we put on our new outfits and looked in the mirror together.

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