Chapter 7 - Sleepover

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Kyles Pov:

As the night went on me and Stan got suprisingly way more comfortable with each other. I guess us knowing we were going to have to spend the next few hours stuck with each other made us give up our attempts to seem too cool for each other. I began to realize he was more of a night person just like me, he never once yawned or said he was getting tired, he just would get up every hour to change the cd. We talked for the time being about everything. About the stuff we missed in each others lives while we were separated, and even old memories from when we were best friends. I tried to avoid mentioning Wendy, I didn't know if it was still a sore subject but it was best to not bring it up. Just then, I felt him nudge my shoulder with his elbow, and I looked at him wondering what was wrong. He slightly smirked at me like he had some kind of evil plan, and asked "wanna get high?" I sat there for at least a few seconds suprised that he would ever ask me that. He knew I never did stuff like that. Maybe once trying to look cool infront of some people at a party, but that was it. Okay and maybe once when me and him got a bit too drunk at a prom we weren't supposed to be at in 8th grade, but that was way back then, and also the last time I had done it. "Yea, sure." Why did I say that dude. Im such a fucking idiot. I could've said no and he probably would've understood. Whatever, too late now. He smiled and got up from the bed, rummaging through his backpack and pulling out a baggy of weed, along with a grinder and some rolling papers. He walked over to my desk and set everything up, he was so causal with it he made it seem like it wasn't even illegal. "Wanna learn?" he said looking back at me. I sighed and got up to go sit on the edge of the bed next to the desk.

We ended up on the roof, I usually came up there to stare at the stars or clear my head after a stressful day, but now i'm smoking weed with Stan motherfucking Marsh. I almost felt guilty for what I was doing, but Stan looked pretty happy, so I tried to brush it off. He wanted to smoke it in my room, but I already knew the amount of trouble i'd get in if my mom smelled it, so I chose the roof instead. As he lit it up, my heart started racing as always. I know my face is probably red right now, I probably look like a pussy, hopefully its too dark to notice. He takes a long hit from it and closes his eyes as he exhales. He passed it to me and I hesitate but eventually take it. As I inhale I try to suck in as much as he did, bad mistake, I immediately started coughing as if my lung is collapsing. Stan takes the blunt from me and starts shushing me while laughing at my anguish. I cant stop it, I just keep coughing and coughing, he puts the blunt in his mouth and starts patting my back. Eventually he puts his hand over my my mouth and the coughing dies down, Jesus I look like a pussy. He starts laughing a bit more "Jesus dude don't kill yourself" he says laughing as he takes another hit. He hands it back to me "This time only do a little, I don't need you dying on me" he says as he smiles. This time I take two smaller hits and learn how to control my lungs. Now I really start feeling it. "Everything feels slow motion." I mutter without even noticing. Stan quietly laughs at my high talk, he rests his head on my shoulder as we pass the blunt back and forth. I put my head ontop of his, taking in all the feelings the weed is causing. I realize, theres nowhere else i'd wanna be right now. I missed Stan so much and never even knew. As we sat there with waves of Euphoria filling both our bodies I began to close my eyes and drift off. I don't think I've ever felt this calm in my life, I wish the moment could last forever. I eventually drifted off to sleep.

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