Chapter 34 - This Is It.

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Stan's Pov:

I sped over to Craig's house as fast as I could, knowing I didn't need to make myself seen so I had to be quick. I kept thinking about Kyle, ashamed that I left him in that state by himself, but knowing we were done for good now, so there was no point of trying to stop him. Just then, my tears dried up. It was like I couldn't cry anymore, or really feel anything. I had lost everything. Every hope I had for my future and everything I dreamed of was gone.

I felt completely numb.

When I arrived at the house I sat in the car for a few minutes, contemplating what I should say to them, thinking about how im going to hide the fact that after I leave, I'm going to end my life. I walked up to the porch, after waiting about 2 minutes Craig opened the door about an inch. "Yo, who is it." he said not opening it. "Uh dude, its me.. Stan?" I said confused at his behavior. He quickly opened the door and let me in, slamming it behind him. I looked around at the empty house, all Kennys stuff was gone and not in its usual place; he kept all his drug shit scattered around the living room, but it was nowhere to be found. Marjorine was on the couch looking miserable. "Dude, where's Ken?" I said confused at what I was seeing. "Bro, didn't you hear. Clyde is fucking dead." Craig said looking at me with worried eyes. "Yeah.. I heard.. Why..?" I said really worried about what that had to do with the situation. "They realized that the same bullets were used on him as used on that guy who Ken.. took out that one time. They fucking came earlier and took him for questioning, we had to hide everything dude. We're so fucking screwed." Craig said throwing his head in his hands as Marjorine started sniffling from the couch, clearly upset about her boyfriend possibly going to jail. "Dude... what the fuck.." I said slumping over onto a counter and holding my head up with my hands. I can't believe I got fucking Kenny in trouble, and even worse, if he's caught, it won't be long until I am too. "Do you think he's gonna snitch?" I said looking over at Craig who was pacing. "No dude.. but I don't know if they might somehow put the pieces together. It's not fucking safe here, but I can't leave Kenny in this town by himself. If he goes down I'm going down with him." Craig said staring at the floor, clearly serious about this. Kenny had been Craigs ride or die for years so I knew he wasn't going to leave with me, but it gave me the perfect opportunity to leave without anyone wondering why. "I'm gonna get out of here dude. I can't get caught." I said walking over to him. He looked at me and nodded. "The police are probably gonna search your house if anything, so let me take all Kenny's stuff." I said knowing I had a horrible feeling in my stomach carrying around all those drugs. "Yea, you're probably right dude. Yo Marj, where'd you hide Ken's stuff?" Craig said looking back at the couch, I was stunned that someone as sweet as Marjorine would associate herself with something like that, but I guess when you have a huge drug dealer boyfriend you eventually kind of have to. Marjorine got up and lead us to a back room that had a basement covered by a rug, sick as fuckk. "Ohh duhh." Craig said rolling his eyes. We walked down into the basement as Marjorine began handing me his notorious duffel bag and backpack. She kept quiet the whole time as she looked me in the eyes. I felt so bad, I couldn't imagine what was going through her head. Kenny had mentioned to me before that she never even knew about half the shit he did, and only thought he sold weed, so knowing that he probably had done way worse was probably confusing her poor brain so much. I smiled at her trying to reassure her, "I'll keep it safe Marj, don't worry, Ken will be fine." I said looking down at her. She sadly smiled as Craig walked up next to me, "Alright dude, in that duffel bag is hella drugs that Kenny was meant to sell, if you want find somewhere like really discrete to hide them. In the backpack is hella money. You can live off it but just make sure to keep it safe, however you spend it is fine though. You good?", I nodded.

As we walked back upstairs I remembered what I had came here for in the first place. I gathered all my stuff back into my backpack from the guest room I was staying in, hm... what am I missing.. oh, right. "Oh shit uh.. Craig, do you know where Kenny kept his bullets.. you know.. for protection?" I said trying not to sound suspicious. Craig nodded and went to his room, returning with a few. "Don't do anything stupid dude, we can't have another case on our hands." I nodded before he pulled me into a bro hug, "Be safe dude." he said before pulling back and patting my shoulder. As I turned around Marjorine was standing by the door to let me out. I looked at her and smiled, before she eventually pulled me into a hug. "...Please be careful.. Kenny would be so sad if anything happened to you." she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I half smiled feeling really sad and hugged her back with my free hand, "I will." She finally let go and I headed for my car.

I opened the door, throwing the stuff into the backseat. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me knowing it was the last time I'd see them, and I had promised that I would stay safe knowing what the real outcome would be. I felt so guilty thinking about, then thinking how I wouldn't get to see Kenny before I left, but the worst feeling was remembering that Kyles last memory of me would be me walking out on him at his darkest moment. Honestly, I could've shot myself right there, but I didn't want Craig and Marj to have to be the ones to find me, I knew they didn't need anymore stress, so I drove off.

I didn't know where I was going to go, or how I was going to get there, but I knew there was no turning back now. I turned my music on full blast as I drove down the highway. After driving for a few minutes not really feeling like I was present, I came back to reality when I saw the sign.

"Now leaving South Park"

I watched the sign all the way until I fully passed it. I looked back in my rearview mirror, taking in the last view of the little mountain town. This is it. The official end of my old life. Hopefully, one day, I'll be back here again.

In another life.

are you mine? - a south park style fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin