Chapter 41 - Rebecca

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Kyle's Pov:

We finally arrived to Becca's house around 9, and I was in awe. It was a nice pretty big cabin built right on top of the lake. As we walked up I looked in between the support beams that held up the house 15 feet, and noticed they even had their own boat that was beside the dock. "Jesus you never told me you had a millionaire friend." Stan said as we walked up the stairs, I didn't say anything. When we got to the door Stan stood behind me as I knocked with so many feelings of anxiety swirling in my stomach. I was greeted by an older woman, who I knew was Rebeccas mom. "Oh my, it's so nice to see you Kyle!" her mom said pulling me into a hug as I smiled. "It nice to see you too Mrs. Cotswolds." I said pulling back. I noticed Stan was in the background just awkward and realized he was never that good at introductions with people older than him, only girls his age who he could flirt with as a greeting, such a fuckboy. "This is my best friend Marshall." I said, I didn't know if something had been said about Stan on the news, so I wanted to play it safe. They shook hands and she lead us inside, where Becca's dad was sitting on the couch, and quickly got up to shake our hands. We talked for a little bit about what it was like to move to Utah, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Becca, smiling ear to ear as she looked up at me and nearly jumped into my arms.  I hugged her for a good 15 seconds before she pulled back smiling at me. "Oh my god, we're twins now!" she said laughing and touching my hair as a I starred at her smiling, getting a good picture of how much she had grown since last time I seen her.

Rebecca Cotswolds..

Rebecca Cotswolds

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She had definitely

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She had definitely.. grew. A lot. Her curly brown hair that was once to her shoulder was now dangling halfway down her back. Her height was about the same, 5'3, I always used to tease her about it, even when I was still only about 3 inches taller than her. She now was a full blown hippie, she had always loved the ideology and aesthetic, but her parents were weird about letting her get her own clothes, and her mom usually bought her everything. There were clearly.. other things too.. but I tried not to think too much about them because it was weird as fuck of me. "Dude it's been so long, how have you been!" I said looking down at her. "It's actually been pretty good. I started going to real school! It was hard at first but its been going good I guess." she said messing with her waist beads. Rebecca was homeschooled but came to school for a bit, and thats when I met her. We stayed on and off before her parents pulled her out of school again for no reason. We tried to keep contact, but a few months later she moved here, and we pretty much fell off. After we caught up a bit more, and I introduced her to Stan, she invited us up to her room. When we got in both me and Stan looked at each other with wide eyes at how cool it was.

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