Chapter 10 - Target Practice

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Tw: Mentions of blood/wound.

Kyles Pov:

Not going to lie, I was really nervous. I had never shot a gun, I had always been way to scared to even get near them. Our old friend Kenny was a drug dealer and he usually had them around a lot when we'd hang out. He'd always keep one on him too and I wondered how he wasn't scared to have something with him that could literally take someone's life, or his own. We walked up to a secluded area where there was already some pieces of wood we had cut the other day with a nailed on target sheet. Stan grabbed the gun eagerly, examining it as he fiddled with the cocking handle. His dad handed me one and I took it from his like some kind of little girl scared to touch a lizard or something. "It ain't gonna bite ya" his dad said laughing with his belly. Next he handed one to Wendy, "Oh no i'm okay Mr. Marsh! You guys can go." she said trying to get out of the situation. "No I insist babygirl, go ahead!" he said sweetly to her, everyone always has such a different attitude towards Wendy, can't even blame them, she's so pretty and she has such soft skin an- *BANG BANG BANG*. I snap out of my trance startling myself as I see stan slightly closing his eyes and pointing his gun. I look around and see the target with the bullets all very close around the center point. He's really good. I look at stan and he's smiling wider than i've ever seen him before, he jolted his head towards us to see our reaction. "Wooooo!" Wendy says, "That was great fucker!" his dad says patting him on the back hard. Wendy goes next out of adrenaline, and even though she doesn't so as good as Stan she still gets some good shots. They all look at me to go next, I know my face is red right now because my palms are sweating and my hands are shaking a bit. I close my eyes and pull the trigger a few times. "OW, FUCK!" I hear from behind me and my heart drops. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I shot her. I shot her. "What happened?" Stans dad says as they both rush over to her. "I don't know!" Wendy says panicking. We examine her body for blood, but shes not bleeding out or anything. We look down and see a slit through her pants. The shell casing from the bullet must've bounced off something and came back. "Jesus christ Kyle!" Stan said taking a breath of air to calm down. The bullet had grazed the side of Wendy's leg but she wasn't shot, what a coincidence. She was bleeding though, which made me want to throw up knowing I hurt her. "Are you okay?!" I said throwing myself on my knees beside her. "Yea, i'm fine it just (she winces at the pain) hurts a bit." "Come on lets go get it cleaned" Stans dad says as we all help her up and assist her back to the house. Im such a fuck up. I know Stan could probably kill me right now if he wanted to, or maybe he was secretly wishing I had actually hit her instead.

We sat in my bathroom applying alcohol to the wound, she was digging her nails into my skin because it burned, but I didn't mind, it was the least I could endure for nearly shooting her in the leg. We wrapped it with gauze and all sat back for a bit trying to collect our thoughts. "Im really sorry Wendy, I don't know why im so fucking stupid" I said looking at the ground. "It's okay Ky its not your fault." she said putting her hand on my cheek and smiling. "Welp I guess I have to wear nothing but jeans for a few weeks, I don't need my parents seeing what happened" she laughed. Me and Stan didn't say anything and instead avoided eye contact. "Well I'm gonna get going, see you guys tomorrow!" she said kissing my cheek before getting up, and rubbing in stans hair hard as she walked out the door. I heard her say bye to our parents, along with a few sorrys from my mom, and the door closing. Me and Stan sat on the floor in silence for a bit, not really knowing what to say or having energy to get up. "What would you have done if you accidentally killed her" he randomly said. Way to start up a convo. I sat there for a bit trying to gather my thoughts, "I don't know, probably killed myself." i said out of impulse. He looked at me halfway confused that I would think like that. "I probably would've helped you hide the body." he said staring at me smiling slightly. He's so fucking weird I swear, why is he even thinking like that. I laughed out of nervousness and he got up and headed back outside. I sat in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes before leaving back to my room.

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