Chapter 44 - I Wish That We Never Met

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Tw: Violence, Homophobia, Drug Abuse, Mentions of Blood.

Stan's Pov:

My heart dropped as I heard Kyle scream out followed by a thud on the ground. I quickly looked back to scream but I was grabbed by two guys who were covering my mouth and Kyle was grabbed by two as well, and we were dragged into a nearby alley in between two quiet buildings. I tried struggling and punching, but they started punching me in my face and I couldn't save myself. Eventually they threw us on the ground by each other as we tried to catch our breath.
"What the fuck man! What do you want from us?" Kyle screamed out as I felt my nose bleeding.
"What are you two fags doing in my town." One of the four guys said as he towered above us."
"What? We're best friends? Are you that fucking closeted?" I said knowing the real reason people are usually homophobes, but that didn't sit nicely with him, because he kicked me hard as fuck in the nose as I grabbed it wincing from the pain, but not wanting to scream so I didn't give them the satisfaction.
"You two motherfuckers ain't fooling nobody. You fucking homos can take your asses to Cali if you want to be buttfucking in my bar." He said as the others started laughing.
"And what if we don't. What the fuck are you gonna do." Kyle said idiotically. I shot my head to him realizing he just fucked up horribly.
"I'll show you what we'll fucking do you little sissy!" The guy said before they all started punching us full force all over our bodies.
Kyle somehow got up and started fighting back a bit, I forgot he was a boxer and probably had a way better chance of getting out of this than me, but he was quickly overtaken as one of the guys beating me up ran over to tackle him and they started beating his ass.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME. HELP! HELP!" Kyles screams were only muffled by punches to the mouth.
"He wants us to get off of him ey? Fine then. D, C, grab him. A, come with me." The leader said.
Oh fuck. I watched as Kyle tried to struggle out of the arms of the two guys who were holding him as two more walked over to me, pulling me up on my weak legs that could barely stand for themself.
"DONT FUCKING HURT HIM." Kyle screamed out as the guys covered his mouth.
"I can't heaaarrr youuu." The leader said as they began punching me so hard that blood was flying from my body, from places that I didn't even know the origin. I tried to stay as quiet as possible as they punched my guts, except for the occasional involuntary wheeze that my lungs let out.
"Oh you think you're tough huh?" The guys partner said. I didn't say anything I just tried to catch my breath. They laughed and pushed me onto the concrete before getting on top of me and holding his fists up. He began punching me in the face as his friend held my arms down.
"Say you're a fucking faggot." The leader said. I tried to get out a word but he punched me in the face.
"Say it." He said again.
"I'm a fucking faggot." I was met with another punch.
"I'm a fucking faggot." I said feeling disgusting with myself for being treated like this, even though I couldn't do anything if I tried. I was met with another punch to the face, and just wanted to kill this motherfucker right then and there. I heard Kyle crying watching the whole situation, and for a second, I felt nothing but pure anger, that someone could humiliate me, and harm the only person I loved. Just then, I knew what I had to do. For Kyle.
"I'M A MOTHERFUCKING FAGGOT." I said screaming out as hard as I could.
"Damn right you are." The guy threw my head back onto the concrete and was helped up by his friend. "Get the fuck out of my town." He said as they began walking away.

I looked over at Kyle crying into his hands and trying to wipe the blood off his face. The guys were slowly walking away as I dug around in my pocket.. bingo. I pulled out the box cutter and pushed the lever up to reveal the blade. I jumped up with all my strength, feeling all the pain in my body at once weigh down on me.
"Stan.. What are you doing?" Kyle said quietly watching me began to pick up my pace, holding the blade out.
It was too late. The blade jabbed into the right front side of the guys neck as he screamed in horror. His friends screamed watching blood pour from his neck as I stabbed him once more, his blood getting all over my hand. He fell to the floor crying out as I took a step back watching him bleed and cry, feeling myself smiling seeing the bloody pool forming around his head.
I was quickly snapped out of my trance as I looked back at Kyle staring in horror at what I had just done. He screamed more seeing the guy bleeding out on the floor as I stood frozen, realizing that I had just made Kyle watch me murder someone.
"I.. I just.. Wanted to protect yo-"
"COME ON DUDE WE'RE SO FUCKING SCREWED." Kyle said as he began yanking my arm and running down the street.
He had clearly sobered up while I was still extremely crossfaded (high and drunk), so crossed that I couldn't even emotionally comprehend how bad the situation really was. When we finally made it to the truck Kyle quickly turned on the engine and pulled out of the parking lot at an extremely fast speed.

are you mine? - a south park style fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora