Chapter 16 - I'm Definently Going to Hell

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Stan's Pov:

After what should've been the best sleep i've ever had, I was rudely awakened by my annoying ass dad pulling me from out of Kyle's arms. "What the fuck are you gay or something, why are you holding that kid?" "Oh shit uh, I don't know.. I was probably dreaming." I knew I was lying out my teeth, but my dad is pretty gullible so he just said "Oh, well get your ass up we're going to church." I fucking hate church, I don't even know if I believe in that shit, but its weird, I always find myself praying when im in stupid situations. I guess having to sit through 3 hour long lectures about how everything we do is a sin isn't really for me. I don't really get how its for anybody, but I guess people need something to look up to. I dragged myself out of bed grabbed some random sweater and big jeans from my pile of dirty clothes, I didn't have the heart to ask Kyle for my jacket back, he probably needed it more than me. My dad knew about my scars, but he just called me weak, so I never even bothered. I popped my meds and brushed my teeth. I hopped in and out of the shower in about 5 minutes and rushed putting on my clothes. By the time I was done in the bathroom Kyle was half asleep in the kitchen eating breakfast with his mom. He smiled at me and I smiled back, he looked pretty cute in the morning. He usually always made a big effort to take care of himself before anyone saw him, so seeing his in his true form was kind of nice, knowing I was one of the only people who saw that version of him. I walked to go sit by him but then I was called by my dad. "No Stan we have to go now, we can stop somewhere on the way back." I rolled my eyes pissed off that he always takes church so serious, I looked back and Kyle and he smiled. He knows I hate church too, he always says one day he's gonna help me set fire to it. If god is real, im definitely going to hell for even thinking that. Kyle is Jewish so he doesn't even believe in this stuff, so I guess he couldn't care less. I kinda like that about him, he's not always pushing "God's word" on me like everyone else in my life. I realized it was a trend for me to only become close with people who weren't like really religious or had their own beliefs, they were way more cool than the same repeated shit I have to endure everyday. I drug myself to my dads car and slumped into the seat, not even bothering to put on my seatbelt. I blasted some Alex G like always in my headphones. The little time I had with music before church was the only piece of mind I got to prepare myself. We finally got there and it was same as always, me struggling to keep my eyes open for the first half hour, then eventually dozing off and getting slapped or pinched by my dad, them excusing myself to the bathroom. Too bad the wifi never worked in there, I feel like they purposely do that shit. I sat in the bathroom staring at my phone trying to load anything. Nothing. It just buffered on and on. I slammed my phone on my leg in anger and began examining the bathroom stall. "Fuck your God, Stay Queer" who even wrote this, and why hasn't anyone wiped it off already, even worse, why aren't they my friend yet. I smiled a bit at the writing and took a picture to send it to Kyle. Of course, it didn't go through. I'll just resend when I leave. I sat there more bummed out then ever, staring at my phone. It turned off and I stared at the wallpaper that displayed when I lifted it back up. A picture of Kyle with his skateboard sweating everywhere sticking the middle finger at the camera. He probably would look so cool to anyone who didn't know him, like some cool pro skater guy, but it was funny to me knowing who he really was. Some kid who could barely do a kick flip without landing on his ass. Me and him used to skate a lot, but I guess after I left he fell off of the hobby. We tried a bit when I first moved in, thats when I took that picture. He got really shit, but he's learning again. I started getting lost in my thoughts about Kyle, all the shit thats happened the past few months, all the regrettable memories I made with him, it was pretty funny. Weirdly, he never seemed to mind. I don't know if its because he's a push over, or a gayball, but I didn't mind, it was fun for me. I replayed those moments in my head, remembering how we always made it kind of like a competition, i'd be fighting to overwhelm him while he'd try to stay strong and be chill. It'll help him be the man in the relationship when he finally gets in one. After a while, I realized I got a random boner. That's embarrassing as fuck. I'm not going back out in front of all those church people like this. I knew I had to fix it no matter how embarrassing. I unzipped my pants and went to work. I tried not to think about how weird I was for this, or how embarrassing it really was. I just tried to think about stuff that would speed up the process. I replayed porn videos in my head. Thought about Wendy's body and all the stuff we used to do. Kyle. Kyle? Kyle.. kissing me.. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. Fuck. Kyle. Fuckkk Kyle... Fuck. Fuck. Kyle.. "Oh fuck Kyle..." (The door to the bathroom swings open) "Stan Marsh." I hear a stern voice say. My moaning quickly turns into fake coughing. "Uh... yea?" Fuck dude. If I could hang myself right now I would. "Why have you been in the bathroom so long" he says banging on the stall. "Uh.. sorry. I really had to shit". He goes quiet for a bit. "Oh okay, sorry, carry on", he says as I hear his footsteps make their way out the door. I let out the biggest sigh of relief, then look back up at the message on the stall. If I wasn't already, i'm definitely going to hell now.

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