Chapter 18 - Interrogation

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Stan's Pov:

Me and Kyle were rudely waken up again by my dad, and, Kyles mom, and, a detective. Oh shit. We're going to jail. It had been a half a week since the whole thing week since the thing with Kenny and Craig. Me and Kyle had gotten home after school, too tired to even smoke, glad we didn't I guess. It was about 6 pm or so on a Wednesday and we were taking a much day nap, I really didn't need this shit right now. "Boys I need you to come down to station with me for some quick questioning about your friend Kenny. We were informed you two were with him the night of a little incident." the detective said scanning us as we sat up in bed. I looked over at Kyle and had never seen him with so much fear. He was never really scared of anything besides roaches and shit, so seeing him like that created a bad panic in me. If so many people weren't in that wrong I probably would've started scratching myself really bad, its a bad habit when im nervous, scratching my legs till I bleed. Me and Kyle put on our shoes and I grabbed a sweater from my dirty clothes pile again. Kyle had religiously been wearing my jacket ever since I gave it to him so I usually had to rewear dirty sweaters when I went in public. I never had energy or was sober enough to do my laundry, usually Kyle's mom would come in and get our clothes for us. For some reason the fact that we were literally being taken to a police station to be interrogated for a literal (possible) murder, that happened from by of OUR friends, that WE were at the scene of, didn't hit me yet, until me and Kyle were separated into our own rooms.

Kyles Pov:

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm going to puke. The look on my moms face before I left made my stomach burn so bad. The way Stan was weirdly calm about the whole situation made my head spin, we could literally go to jail. My whole life could be ruined. Just because I wanted to look cool in front of some people who probably would've cared less. There goes my dreams of starting my own company. There goes everything i've worked my ass off to achieve. I felt drool pooling in my mouth. I can't throw up right now. I started humming, Wendy always said that worked. I hummed and hummed, Stan was looking at me like I had gone insane, even the detective looked at me in the front mirror once with a confused look, I probably looked guilty as hell. It's fine. It's fine. It's okay. You didn't even do anything. You were just there. You were just in the car with Stan making out. Fuck. Ive seen those detective shows. I'm going to have to tell them that. Tell them everything that happened. Fuck. They're going to think im gay. I'm gonna have to tell them everything. The hickey, Wendy, ugh Wendy. Wendy hadn't talked to me and Stan ever since that one night. I tried calling and texting a million times but never got a response. I tried talking to her and she pretended like I didn't exist. I really deserved it, I probably deserve whats happening to me right now for what I did to her. At least she's safe. I have way worse things to worry about right now. As I saw the police station approaching the knot in my stomach expanded. Me and Stan sat in the lobby waiting for the detectives to return with their paper. He saw me picking at my hangnails and leaned over. "Dude, Kyle, listen to me right now. Don't. Say. Anything. Okay? Only, I don't remember. Use the excuse of drugs and alcohol. I don't think they're allowed to tell our parents anyways. Okay? Say you don't remember. It's going to be okay bro." he said holding my hand to stop me from pulling on them. "Marsh?" Stan looked at me before walking towards the two detectives standing at the door. They went in without saying anything else. I can't hold it anymore. I ran to the bathroom and threw my guts up.

Stans Pov:

"Quick questioning" they said. I sat in that room for what felt like ages. Denying everything, approving some minor things that couldn't come back on me. Saying that Kenny didn't tell me anything, but I saw them running scared out the house so I jumped into the drivers seat and started the car. I'm so good at lying. Years of gaslighting have never failed me. They ate that shit up, and looked satisfied with my answers. They finally excused me from the room and I had never felt better. Now all I had to worry about was what Kyle was gonna say. I know he's really intimidated by authority, which was weird because he had giant balls with anyone else. I guess it was his parents who made him like that or something, so he'd never disobey the law. Its really ironic, he brings out the best in me, and I bring out the worst in him. All the things we had swore we'd never do in our younger years, we had both ended up doing sooner or later because of me. It really sucked, knowing that I could be the reason both our lives go to shit. I was the one who begged him to come with me. They wouldn't even put us in the same jail dude. I'd definitely try to sneak out to see him or something and get shot trying, but I don't care, I really can't live without him. I went back out to the lobby area, and looked at Kyle sulking. People always draw people who are about to throw up green in the face as an exaggeration, but Kyle literally looked green in the face. Poor thing, he's probably pissing his pants right now. After another half hour of me alone with my thoughts Kyle returned out with the detectives. "Alright boys you're free to go. If we need anything else we'll call you back to the station. Are your parents coming or do you need a ride?" The second one who barely talked the entire time said. Before Kyle could answer I spoke first "Uh no thank you sir, they're on their way right now." I said lying. Kyle looked at me and quickly played along. "Alright, good night boys." They walked down the hallway and me and Kyle nearly ran out the doors, both letting out a huge sigh. "Why did you lie?" "Because, I needed to talk to you. What did you say?" I say as we begin walking down the dark street. It was a little bit past 9:30 and the walk home was probably 15 minutes so it wasn't that bad. "I just did what you told me. I told them I was on a lot of drugs and alcohol and barely remembered anything." "Did they ask you about the hickey" I said smiling. I was still really proud of it. It was like I was marking my territory on him. I hope it stays all the way till prom, I never helped him get it off because every time I saw it I was reminded of the memories that night. It's so funny thinking about him trying to explain to his prom date how he got it. "No dumbass." He said rolling his eyes. "I covered it with the jacket. Like you told me." He said punching me in the arm. I smiled, and happily continued walking home knowing me and Ky dodged a huge shotgun bullet to the balls.

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