Chapter 43 - Drunk Dancing

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We drove about 20 minutes to a town right outside the area called Welches, a little village that surprisingly had a pretty lively area considering it was night. We looked around for a cool place, until Kyle spotted a dancing place, and we knew we had to check it out. I took a swig from the bottle before leaving, and surprisingly, Kyle took 3, gagging with each gulp of course. We walked inside the club to see a cool little hole-in-the-wall place that was decorated all hippie-like. It was a pretty intimate space, and most people sat at the bar, while a few danced with their partner. Me and Kyle sat down on the barstools, taking in the vibes as some old 60's upbeat music blared on the speaker system. Before we knew it, the bartender came up with a grin.
"Some new faces I see, definitely not some regulars. Where are ya from lads?"
The guy had a very prominent Irish accent that I couldn't tell was real or not. Regardless, I found myself paranoid and blurting out a lie.
"Uh, Portland! We were just visiting." I said smiling as Kyle looked at me then fakely smiled.
Portland was one of the biggest cities in Oregon and only an hour drive away, so I knew he wouldn't question it.
"Ohh I see I see, city life must be bustling, what can I get for you fellows?" He said walking back and leaning against the alcohol shelf.
"Uh, 2 shots of your strongest.. for both of us." Kyle said smiling, my eyes darted to him.. He was just judging me for drinking and now he wants to?
Regardless, I felt all that confusion disappear when the shots arrived, and instead felt myself nearly drooling to get the alcohol in my system. Me and Kyle cheers-ed the shots before throwing them down our throats, Kyle immediately started dying and I even choked on my drinks a bit. The bartender quickly brought over a chaser for us, and I gave Kyle mine as he chugged both of ours down in 20 seconds. I quickly remembered Kyle was a lightweight because he jumped up smiling and nearly jumping.
"Fuck dude, I just wanna dance now." He said smiling. I laughed at his hyperness until he began grabbing my arm towards him.
"Noo dude I don't like dancing infront of people." I said trying to pull back.
"Come on Sta- I mean, Leooo. Don't be boring." He said pulling me again. I couldn't resist him, no matter how much I tried. The mix of alcohol and Oxy's made my attraction to him so amplified that I got lost in his charm and got up as he lead me to the dance floor. The Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps started playing and I immediately got flashbacks. When I was in my goth phase, me and the goth kids always listened to this song and danced around Henriettas room with our cigarettes in our mouths. On impulse, I quickly pulled out my lucky cigarette pack from my pocket and lit one up, recounting my goth-dance moves that consisted of staring at the floor while moving only my lower half and bobbing my head, taking drags of my cigarette as I did so. Kyle was laughing at me as he danced around me, he was so drunk and it was kind of cute seeing him so happy. He grabbed the cigarette from me and took a drag, closing his eyes as he danced carefree. It surprised me because I knew how gross he thought they were, but in this moment he didn't care, he was just having fun. As one of our favorite songs, Lets Go To Bed by The Cure, blasted right after the previous song me and Kyle's eyes lit up as we began moving out body's carelessly to the beat. We danced around like no one was watching us, even though the whole entire place was at the point.
"AND I DON'T WANT IT IF YOU DONT! AND I WONT PLAY IT IF YOU WONT PLAY IT, FIIIIRSTTTTTT" me and Kyle screamed out in unison every time the chorus would reappear in the song, laughing at each other's drunken stupor.

We danced around in circles and circles until we couldn't anymore. We sat down as the next song played and we tried to catch our breath.
"That was so fucking fun dude, I could dance all night!" Kyle said breathing heavily.
"Me too bro. I didn't know you could dance like that." I said laughing at him.
Me and Kyle began drinking beers as the night went on, talking amongst each other like 2 teenage girls at a slumber party. Until, another old song that we both really enjoyed started playing. One that brought back a lot of memories for us.
"Dude.. Is that.. No way." Kyle said looking over at me with a glisten in his eyes as the melancholy song's intro played.
"It is." I said smiling at him.
I Know It's Over by The Smiths blasted on the speaker system as everyone else sat down for the song, uncultured people. It was a song me and Kyle would listen to every time I snuck into his room drunkly and cried in his arms and shit. The reason that it mattered so much to me is that the first time Kyle played it for me, it was my first final breakup with Wendy before I moved. I remember crying harder than I ever had in Kyle's arms as he held me rocking me back and forth. It's the day I realized that I really had no one else that I could depend on like Kyle. Kyle looked over at me noticing that I was feeling some kind of way about it.
"Hey, you good?" he said leaning over and looking at me concerned.
"Yeah.. Just thinking about all the memories you know." I said laughing, with sadness in my tone.
Kyle looked at me with pity, before getting a slight smile on his face.
"...Wanna dance?" he said getting up again, this time reaching out for my hand instead of grabbing it.
I smiled at him trying to cheer me up and took his hand, as he once again lead me to the floor. At first we kept our distance, only holding each others hands and rocking side to side. Kyle smiled at me before closing his eyes and singing along to the lyrics, as they punched me in the gut with every word the singer sung. "If you're so very good lookingggg, why do you sleep aloneee tonightttt?" Kyle sung while putting his hand on my cheek jokingly as if he was singing to me, as we laughed. As the song picked up the pace we began dancing around as if we were some couple in a ballroom, pulling each other closer and spinning around, nearly stumbling as both our drunk states caused us to get dizzy. As we stopped spinning and just danced together, we both felt the same random feeling of sadness as we held each other. I felt a random pain in my chest, like my heart was crying out thinking about Kyle and all my feelings for him. I felt myself begin to cry to the song as Kyle pulled me back to look at me.
"Are you crying?" Kyle said as I noticed his eyes were puffy with tears too.
I nodded and we laughed a bit at each others emotional state, until the laughing turned into silence, with me and Kyle just staring into each others eyes. His eyes were so beautiful, his red face from the crying, and rosy lips made me yearn to taste them. I knew I should've held myself back in public, but I couldn't, I was way to vulnerable in this state and knew I couldn't resist him. I pulled Kyle into a kiss as I let my sorrows melt away with his warm body. I pulled him as close as I could humanly possible, wanting to feel every sensation from his body that I could, as he kissed me back holding his hand on my cheek as I held mine in his hair. We both continued our crying while kissing more passionately than we ever probably had before as the song began coming to its end. As the music faded out we slowly pulled away from each other, staring in each others eyes for a moment and giggling. Kyle wiped the tears from my eyes and I returned the favor.
"Wanna go?" I said looking over at the door.
Kyle nodded and smiled as we quickly began walking towards the door.

Kyle's Pov:

It felt like a dream. I had always made up scenarios like the moment we just shared to help me sleep, but now it was a reality, something id look back on for the rest of my life, wishing that I could go back to the moment every single time I thought about it. I wished that it could've lasted forever, just pure vulnerability and intimacy that me and Stan shared in such a public way, it almost felt like I had a sense of freedom, being able to display my love for Stan in front of all those people who were just watching us, 2 kids in love. I held onto Stan as we stumbled back to the parking lot that was a block away laughing the whole time like children. I didn't have a care in the world, it felt like there was no one else on Earth but Stan, here with me in this moment, it almost felt like the world had gone quiet, just for a moment. Like me an him were the only thing that mattered, like time was a nonexistent force that we could overcome just with our love for each other. I felt emotions stronger than I ever had, I had Stan all to myself, nothing was ever going to ruin that again. I almost felt like moving to Oregon was probably one of the best decisions we'd ever made, until suddenly, out of nowhere, I was knocked to the ground with a hard sucker-punch to the back of my head.

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