Chapter 27 - The Skatepark

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Tw: Violence, Drug Abuse

Kyle's Pov:

It had been a few days since that day, now it was Thursday, and prom was two days from now. Stan spent a lot of his time after school gone without telling me where he was going. He wouldn't ride to school with me, and would only talk to me a few times during the day until he got home, where he'd act really weird around me. I decided I was tired of waiting around for him, so I headed to the skatepark after school that day and started practicing again. I had already ordered my suit I was going to wear to prom. Both Stan and Wendy were acting hella weird, so I decided I'd just go by myself along with them, get drunk, and see if anyone would try to eventually hook up with me or something bu the end of the night. As I skated and fell on my ass I couldn't stop thinking about how Stan hadn't kissed me, or even touched me since that night, and it made me fear the worse. Had Wendy said some shit to Stan that wasn't true? I had told him everything about me and her, so it wasn't like I was keeping any secrets from him. It was all too much, I felt myself getting more angry anytime I'd mess up. I'd slam my board and shout a few curse words before getting back on it, luckily no one else was at the skatepark that day. Until, there was. I saw two people holding hands walking up to me, confused who they were because of all the sweat in my eyes causing me to blink a lot, until I finally realized. No fucking way. It was Stan and Wendy, holding hands, Wendy smiling, and Stan keeping a straight face slipping eye contact with me. I examined them with a confused face, "Uh..?" I said confused why they had come here. "Look.. Kyle.. We wanted to tell you now. We're back together." Wendy said looking me in the eyes with a slight look of pity, while still fake smiling. "It wont change anything, we just wanted to tell you before prom so you'd know we're going to go with each other.", she said looking down at the ground, then back up at me. I had never felt so pissed off in my life, what the actual fuck did I just hear. Stan.. back together with fucking Wendy.. after everything. I felt my face getting hot, my cheeks and ears were definitely bright red right now. Stan looked at the ground as Wendy looked up at him sadly. "I'll leave you guys alone for a bit.." she said walking away towards the rest of the skate park. I walked to a corner as Stan followed me. "Dude I'm sorry I just didn't know how to tell-" he put his hand on my shoulder and I pushed him away. "No Stan, what the fuck! Are you actually fucking serious right now? After everything she did to you? To me?" I said quietly yelling at him so she couldn't hear our conversation. "Dude just let me give her one more chance! She was fucking miserable without me! I couldn't just let her feel like that!" he said yelling back at me. "And what about me dude? What the fuck about me? Did you even mean any of the thing you've told me in the last few months, or was I just there for your fucking entertainment?!" I said as tears formed in my eyes. "Kyle.. you know I fucking meant it." he said trying to hold my hand. "So why?! Why the fuck would you do this?!" I said throwing his hand off of me. "I couldn't do it. I couldn't stand knowing that every time I was with you people would just fucking ridicule us!" he said looking up into the air. "So?! Fuck them dude!! Who fucking cares what they think, we're fucking in love with each other at the end of the day!" I said screaming in his face. "I'm not fucking in love with you."


I looked into Stan's eyes, as he stared back in mine with tears. "I'm not in love with you. I'm in love with fucking Wendy. And if you can't fucking handle that, or can't just be friends with me because of that... then I don't want to be your fucking friend."

I felt all the anger I had ever felt build up in my brain.. my face.. my heart.. my hands. I punched Stan across the face harder than I've ever punched someone before. He nearly knocked over as he held his cheek and screamed "FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK?!" Wendy looked back in horror as Stan swung back on me. Me and Stan started punching more and more, quickly making each others nose bleed, I punched him in the mouth knocking his tooth into his inner lip, causing his mouth to bleed. Wendy wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled us away with with all her might, as I stepped back trying to catch my breath and wiping the blood away from my nose as it poured. "YOU'RE A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT STAN. YOU DONT GET TO JUST PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS BECAUSE YOU'RE BORED. YOU DONT GET TO TELL ME YOU LOVE ME AND STILL BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. I FUCKING HATE YOU. I ACTUALLY FUCKING HATE YOU." I screamed as he stumbled away with Wendy. Blood poured all over my shirt with no stop as I felt myself begin crying harder and harder. "FUCKKKK." I screamed out in anger, as I smashed my board harder and harder on the ground until it broke apart. I sat on the skatepark floor crying into my legs until the sun went down. She did it. She took him from me. She took the last glimpse of hope I had in my life. What did I even fucking expect, he could never truly love me. I was a boy, and he was a boy, two things that could never last.

I stumbled into my home crying, my chest was tight as I hyperventilated from crying too much. I knew I was having a panic attack.. I hadn't had one in so long, yet I knew exactly what it felt like. My moms car wasn't there, and to be honest, I could give less of a fuck where she was right now. I started looking for anything that could calm me down in the cabinets. I dug around looking for anything, until I found a bottle of pills labeled "oxycodone". I had heard Stan mention those before, calling them 'oxys', and how he used to pop them when he was an addict because they made him calm down, and it made being drunk 10x better. I took 5 out the bottle, hoping if I snorted them they'd maybe even kill me, but I was too afraid to get more despite this wish. After I cleaned up my nose shakily while still trying to breath, I ground them into dust with a stapler like I always saw Stan do, and lined them up onto my desk. I stared at them for a bit, admittedly a bit scared, but not wanting to back down. I stumbled over tot the corner of my room and turned on my speaker system and put in "Para Mi" by Cuco, a trippy ass album I had found not too long ago, to held my calming down a bit more. I pulled out a 1 dollar bill and rolled it up, leaving a tight circle opening in the middle. I placed it in my nose and began snorting all the lines. "Fuck oh my god." I let out, trying to sniff the shit stuck in my nose, it burned like hell, worse than the coke I did. I saw I had a few more lines to go, and said a quick prayer before I did the rest. It hurt so badly when I was done that I slipped out of my chair onto the ground. As I laid on the floor, I began feeling like I was numb. My body felt waves going through it as everything began feeling slower. I felt something pouring down my face, and as I slowly touched it, I felt blood coming out my nose again, yet, I couldn't get up. I felt like my body had been nailed to the floor, and all of my limbs were 1000 pounds each. Yet, I felt nothing but cold waves and tingling all over my body, it felt amazing. I felt myself slowly smiling as I listened to the music get more and more dreamy, it felt like it was going in one ear and coming out the other like a stream of water. I closed my eyes, feeling all the sensations from my surroundings at once, but enhanced. I felt at peace, I couldn't think of Stan, or Wendy, or really anything at that moment. All I could think of was how good I felt. I drifted off into a blackout state, not even being startled by what was happening. I felt at peace once again.

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