Chapter 17 - I hate them.

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Tw: Sexual Assualt

Wendy's Pov:

I sat in my bathtub, continuously scrubbing my body while tears fell again and again and again. I can't believe it happened to me. I always did everything to protect myself from this situation. I even had bought bear mace, a portable siren, a sharp key, all to protect myself a long time ago. I've had it since then, always bringing it with me. Tonight, I don't know where it was. I was too drunk and I guess I misplaced it. I still don't know where it is. I looked down at how red my skin was, yet I didn't stop scrubbing, I feel so disgusting. I remember at the party when Craig said he was leaving, but Stan and Kyle never came to tell me they were going too. I only realized after about 30 minutes when we and Bebe got bored of making out with everyone in the room. I even ended up making out with Tolkien when the bottle was on him. It just wasn't fun anymore, especially remembering he was the reason for what happened between me and Stan.. well, I was the reason, but him too. I never knew how to say no. And I know thats my fault, but it's something I could never really fox, no matter how many times I tried to remind myself. That night at the party though, I know I said no. Bebe offered to take me back to her place since Kyle and Stan pretty much fucking ditched me, and I didn't have a ride. It was fine at first, me and Bebe stopped to get some drinks and snacks at the gas station, and we sat in the parking lot just talking for a while, trying to sober up as much as we could before we drove home fully. After that we finally decided it wasn't working, and Bebe really had to pee but refused to use the gas stations bathroom, so we got back on the road. When we finally got there her boyfriend Clyde was sitting outside, he helped us up the stairs laughing at how drunk we were. Once we got up I layed down on the couch and him and Bebe went up to the room. I probably dozed off for a good 30 minutes before being waken up by her boyfriend. "W-what." I said annoyed at being awoken from my sleep. "How are you feeling" he said. I thought it was weird, but sweet that he was checking up on me. "Fine. I'm still pretty drunk." I said laughing a bit. "Mmh." He said quietly. Weird. A few seconds of silence went by and he started talking again. "I've always thought you were so pretty, haha." He said quietly. "Okay..?" I said extremely weirded out by his statements. His girlfriend is my bestfriend.. why is he acting like I couldn't just ruin their whole relationship right now if I told her. I couldn't see anything because of how dark the living room was, and the alcohol, but I knew I felt something touching my stomach. "What the fuck are you doing." I said trying to push his hand off of me, but I was really weak in that moment, and he wasn't budging. "You're so beautiful." He said leaning down to kiss me. I pushed his head away in disgust, "stop you fucking creep", but he didn't. His hands started moving down my stomach and I started panicking. No no no no please. "What the fuck are you doing? Bebe!" I tried screaming. He put his hand over my mouth, "She's in the shower, its just us." He said. "Stop please stop." I said trying to get him off of me, but his body weight was too much. I sat there for 5 whole minutes trying to get him off of me, until I finally bit him with all my strength. "OW, YOU FUCKING BITCH." He said as he jumped up and slapped me. I didn't even care, I jumped off the couch and stumbled to the door, but then I was pulled back by my hair. My mom always told me that would be one of my most beautiful but biggest weaknesses. "If you fucking tell Bebe I will fucking murder you, you stupid slut." He said while shoving me by the head to the ground. I hit my head really hard and started crying immediately. But I knew I couldn't sit around crying. I ran out the front door down the road. I didn't know where I was going yet, but I knew I needed Stan and Kyle. I tried calling multiple times, no answer. Of fucking course in the worst moment they wouldn't answer. I started blaming Stan in my head, if he was never here Kyle wouldn't have been dragged out to anything he fucking did. Kyle wouldn't be such a dick rider for him. Kyle would've been protecting me like he always did. But no, it's all about Stan now. I fucking hate stan. "Wendy?" I hear on the other end of the line, I immediately start crying harder. "Kyle. I really need you to come get me. I'm so fucking scared and I have no where to go and.. Kyle?" I repeated his name over and over again into the phone with no answer. Fuck him. He's not going to fucking help me, not when he's with Stan. I threw my phone on the floor out of anger and it shattered. Fuck fuck fuck fuck no! I started crying knowing I was drunk and stranded. I fucking hate everyone. I fucking hate Clyde. I fucking hate Stan. I fucking hate Kyle. I hate all of them. I stumbles my way through the streets. I don't know how long I walked, but by the time I found my house under some miracle The sun was on the horizon. I climbed through my window because my parents thought I was staying at Bebe's. I cried for so long in my bed, nonstop. I came back to reality from the flashbacks I had of that night. I realized I had scrubbed my body so hard my legs were bleeding. Fuck.

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