Chapter 37 - On The Run

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Kyles Pov:

I arrived back home to gather some things I was probably going to need to find him, like my cellphone and some money from my moms savings. I knew it was wrong of me but it wasn't my fault she just leaves without telling me, so I have bigger things to worry about than waiting around to ask for permission. As I walked around the house I noticed the TV was on talking about another killing. I ran around the house trying to find all the things I needed,

until I heard Clyde and Kenny's name in the same sentence.

TV Reporter:
"..Thank you Brian, in the case of the killing of Clyde Donavan in the South Park High school Prom shooting, the gunmen has been found and identified as 18 year old Kenneth Mccormick. Police say the autopsy found the same kind of bullets used on Donavan as used in a previous case Mccormick was involved in, but let off the hook after insufficient evidence. Now that Mccormick has been tied to the Donavan murder, police are re-opening the previous case and investigating Mccormick and an other possible suspects who may have been involved to find out if the cases were tied. More on this situation at 5. Back to you Brian."

I felt my blood run cold. Jesus fucking christ. Kenny got caught up for something he didn't even do. I felt so sick to my stomach thinking about what could happen now. Other suspects... Other fucking suspects. Fuck. That's us.

I ran to the bathroom, throwing up so hard it felt like I was puking up my guts. I threw up for a good minute, knowing that for sure now my life was ruined. Everything I worked hard to achieve went down the drain just because I decided to be a fucking pushover pussy. I felt nothing but anger at myself, pissed off at how I could be so stupid for even getting myself into situations like these. Then I remembered, if they're going to come investigate, they could come at any moment. I jumped up, flushing the toilet and washing my mouth out with water, before running around the house again and grabbing anything I could to last me as long as I could be away from home. Clothes. Money. Phone. Keys. Fuck food. I couldn't eat anyways knowing my life was on the line. Oh yeah, and blanket. After getting all those things I raced out the house into my truck, not knowing where to go yet, but knowing I had to at least go.

I drove a few miles down the 285 toward Buena Vista, I knew there was no way Stan would go towards Denver, he really didn't like the crowded cities, and especially now if he was trying to hide he would never even think of it, so I chose the opposite route. I watched the mountains in the distance as the sun slowly set with every minute, I wondered how I'd even find him. What if he wasn't even running away? What if he was just at his house alone, suffering by himself, just waiting for me to come knock on his door. Something in my body told me that wasn't true. I don't know if it was my own selfish intent to leave before I got caught, or a weird phenomenon that made it to where I almost felt like I understood Stan enough to know exactly what he would've done after learning the situation, but something told me to keep going. I let intuition take control of my mind and body, and suddenly, I knew exactly where I'd find him.

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