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I take a last look at my used to be home, without taking anything with me at all beside my phone and a luggage with some of my clothes. All the jewelry and other stuff I left it in her house, it's hers after all.

As I walk out Lilac come running, "oh... lilac I've got to go now baby, be a good girl while I'm gone, and take good care your mama, goodbye lilac" i pat her head, she looks like she knew I'm leaving and probably will never come back.

"Goodbye Ms.Clair we'll miss you" all the guards says, "goodbye guys" I smile and left.


I decided to stay in a motel downtown for a while before moving to another town.

The room was small but it's enough for a person to stay in. It's my first night back to be on my own, it's just me this time. I sit on the bed scrolling on my phone reread our old conversation, that was not a smart move I end up bawling my eyes out.

I hold on to the hope that Wilhemina will actually send me a message to go back home, but she never did.

Three weeks later*

Sipping on mint chocolate, staring out the cafe window, the snow is still falling, "Davina?" a guy called out my name, I turn to the familiar voice "Warren? Hi" I smile, "hey long time no see, you're here alone?" I nods, "you mind if I sit?", "please have a sit", "well how are you, you look quite pale" he asks concerns, "ahh it's the snow that's all", "and how are you?" I see that he look kinda different then the last time I saw him, "pretty good actually", "you got a new haircut or something?" I raise my brow playfully, "yes yes you like it?" I nods chuckled.

"So any plan later?" He asks, "ummm not really", "join me for dinner?" He shy look up, "too demanding" I laugh, "would you like to join me for dinner Ms.Clair?" he trying to sound like a real gentleman, "of course I would love that Mr...?", "Field" he says, "Mr.Field"

"6pm at my house, I don't mind picking you up" he says, "pick me up at 5 then" I took another sip of my chocolate, "got it ma'am" he give me his number and I give him mine.


It's 4:48pm Warren would be here anytime soon, I slipped on a pair of black heels and red dress with black coat over my shoulder to keep the coldness away.

My phone buzzed:
W.F: hey pretty, it's me Warren, just wanted to let you know I'm here but please take your time.
D.C: Mmhmm i'll be out in a minute.

I grab my phone and walk out to the parking lot, see his car parking next to the tree, he wave at me "hey gorgeous" he open the door for me and I got in, then he walked to the driver side, "it's so cold" I murmured, "I have an extra coat in back" he says, "I brought mine"

On the way to his house, he complimented almost every part of me, it's remind me of the night before Mina and I separated. It all happened so quickly like a heart attack or stroke even.

Warren must have love Arctic Monkeys, 'R U MINE' is playing loudly in the car, he singing out loud, "Ok ok I get it you can sing" I mock, he laughs.

"ALL I WANNA EVER SAY IS, R U MINE?" It would be a lie if I say he's a bad singer.


"Watch your steps" he says taking my hand, fuck Davina everything reminds you of her.

"You're here, Ms.Clair" Lidia Warren's mother says giving me a hug, "please call me Davina" I says, she smile and we walked into the dining room, Warren take a seat, I sit beside him, I join the conversation and they are planning to go on a horse riding this weekend and ask if I wanted to join, "of course I'll be there" I smile, Warren wink at me, I roll my eyes at him.

I'm talking to Warren about his experience on horses and suddenly I heard a familiar cane taping on the hard floor along with the sound of heels, coming behind us, "Ms.Venable, you're early again" Lidia says, my heart bounces out of my chest, she probably won't recognize me from behind since I've dyed my hair black. "I thought I'm late" I heard her let out a tiny laugh, god how I miss her.

"Viola meet Ms.Field" Wilhemina says, we haven't face each other yet, "nice to meet you Ms.Field, I'm Ms.Venable's fiancé", "yes we're getting married next year" she sounds happy, I choked on my own saliva, they make there way to sit across the table, good I'm facing her.

She haven't noticed my presence yet, "Davina, are you alright?" Warren whisper which caught Wilhemina attention, "yes I'm fine" I force a torture smile, a girl which she stated as her soon to be wife look at me. I don't even fucking know how to act.

I know they all starting to suspect why I'm not talking with Wilhemina. Wilhemina on the other hand act if she doesn't even know who I am, "Vi can you pass me the salt please sweetheart?" Wilhemina knows what she's doing, "Warren you should try eating broccoli" oh god I'm so bad at this, "what no it's just tiny tree" he chuckles, and fork a tiny piece of chicken to my lips, I take it. "You're too cute" he whispers, Warren's sister make joke about us, "Davina, Warren call for you in his sleep last night" she laugh, "oh shut up Aria" he shoot his sister the death glare, "I have proof" Aria says turning on the volume on her phone, we all heard Warren saying my name multiple times.

They all laugh, except Wilhemina.

after dinner we end up in the private bar, where me and Warren first met. "come let me teach you some new skill" he let me sit on his lap while he play the piano.

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