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The sun shine on my face causing me to flicker my eyes open, I turn to Mina who's right behind me, as I'm smiling at her beautiful morning face, her messy hair, "that smile won't last long, keep it up" a woman voice appear from the corner, I pulls up the blanket to cover my expose top, "ah ah don't bother covering hers, I've seen ever inches since you left" she speak in a low voice not wanting to wake mina up too early.

"What are you doing here, Viola? What do you want?" I says, seeing her hand searching for something from her purse, "you'll see soon enough" she pulls out a gun pointing in my direction, well i didn't expect to wake up to this, "now try not to wake her up and follow me" she throw Mina's nightgown at me, I slowly slip it on, moving out the bed. Wilhemina wake up babe. I wish she could hear my thought.

"Get your ass out here now" Viola mouth, I slowly close the door behind me, "now what? Are you going to say something?" the house was so dead silent, no maid, no guard, no sign of any of them.

"I'm offering you a chance to live, you either take it or you won't make it" she says, "I want you to leave Wilhemina and get your shit out this town", "the fuck? Wilhemina don't love you, I don't think no one ever did with that face" I puff, she's believably stupid, "say that again I'll shot your brain out" she grip on the trigger, "Davina" Wilhemina's awake, before she could have a chance to drag me down the stairs, the door to our room open, "Davi-" Wilhemina look at me then at Viola, "put that down Viola, you don't wanna do this" she take small step towards her, "take another step Wilhemina, I'll make sure the bullet blow her brains out"

Wilhemina attempts to come near me, "AND! don't you go near her" she threatens, "what do you want Viola?" Wilhemina asks her went immediately soften causing Viola to lower her arm, "I want you back Wilhemina, you can think of me in anyway you want but my love for you is real, I want us to get back to where we use to be, even though it was only a short period of time, I want you back and I want her gone" surely Viola is a psychopath with stinky pussy.

"Listen to me dear, put that thing down I'm sure we can talk it out" seeing how Wilhemina soften up for that bitch, I'd rather have myself shot dead, "good girl... baby now give that to me" she hold out her hand, Viola still hesitates to give in, Mina approach her with a really painful tiny steps, the gun was inches to get to Wilhemina hand, "NO!!!" Viola yelled, aiming back at me then she pull the trigger, "GO TO HELL WHORE" the first one missed my head, she pull another shot, Wilhemina pull a stupid move in front of me, I knew she would do something like this so I was quicker, flipping her around our front press against one another.

Instead of taking the bullet for me, I took it for her, my whole weight collapsed into her, "no NO DAVINA!! Davina!!" she hold me, i gasps looking down at my chest, blood pouring down like waterfall soaking my lover's nightgown.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!! BITCH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD TO ME" Wilhemina lay me down, I was gasping for air.

She doesn't care if Viola will pull another shot on her, tears drip down the side of my face.

I watch them struggling with the gun, Viola gripping on it tightly Wilhemina push her against the wall, they both are one step ahead to falling down the staircase, I cover the hole in my chest with my bare hand, "YOU SHOT MY WIFE YOU BITCH" I heard them screaming and yelling at each other before another bang appears.

I wasn't given a chance to see who it was.

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