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I didn't slept the whole night, waiting for the sun to come.

The nurse come in a couple of times, I asked if I could leave, all I want to is go home. They told me I can leave tomorrow if I want. But mostly patient that are just come out of the coma has to spend about three days or even a week in the hospital. I think that had enough of my shit. One of them even recommended me to talk to therapist.


Finally, I'm changing into a grayish grandma nightgown, I stole from the granny next door ready to leave the hospital, tonight.

Walking out the back exit like a person who just gave birth to a newborn, I don't know why my knees hurting so bad. I feel like I'm reborn into a duck walking like this. Also did I mention I stole granny cash too.

I walk to the bus station, it's 5am. The moonlight still illuminates the silence road, the cold air hits my bare back.

I wait for the bus until I see one coming. Getting on the bus and a couple making out at the backseat so I decided to sit at the front roll looking out the window.


The ride was twenty minutes long, now I'm standing in front of our house, the gate was locked, "OPEN THE GATE IM DAVINA YOU FUCKERS" I knock on the hard surface multiple times, no one comes. So guess what, I climb.

This time I jump from the top onto the tree then make my way down to the ground.
Fucking hell.

I look around the cars are all gone, what the fuck. There's no light coming out from the inside, where are they.

My hand meet with the cold knob to the main door, opening it slowly, I try turning on the light but it seems to be cut off.

"MINA? WILHEMINA? ARE YOU HERE?" I yell, making my way up the stair where I last saw them a week ago according to when I was brought almost dead to the hospital.

I walk to our room, the door was already open, the bed is messy, I guess no one been in here since that day. This is what left from my first night back together with Mina.

My phone! My phone is on the nightstand I pick it up and walk into the closet room. Her things are all in here, everything is still her. Except her.

I scroll through the number list and click on her name 'Mina❤️'

I check for any sign of letter or something I don't know that could tell me where she's gone to.

'This number is not available' I start panicking, running to her study room, all of her files are gone.

What are you, Wilhemina?

My legs starting to give up walking back down, I caught a strange smell coming from the back yard, smells a dead rat. The scent was strong which I know this is not a rat. Human?

I step outside to through back door, the smell is worst than before, coming from the pool.

I couldn't see what or who it was, until I turn on the flashlight from my phone, shining it down at the water.

My heart jumps out my chest, head start spinning, I chokes on my breaths, NO NO NO NO THIS CANT BE THIS IS NOT REAL, WAKE UP DAVINA. I slap myself hard wishing I would wake up. This is not a dream.

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