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My whole body covered with strings attaching almost every area, oxygen is being given to me, my breathing is unstable, eyes hurt from all the light shining from the white ceiling, how many times have I been here, is this my last?

The man in the his usual white coat, injected me with some kind of drug, they talk and talk and all I can hear is a buzzing noise in my bouncing head.

I wanted to scream out her name, I wanted to know where she is now, my lungs couldn't handle the sharp pain in my chest.

All I could think about was where did the last bullet landed, what if something happens, where is Wilhemina.

"Ms we want you to try to relax calm down I know you have lots of questions right but please relax" a nurse says to me, all the strength floating out my body, has my soul already left?

I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of losing her.

I try to keep my eyes open but what ever is in that tiny syringe making it harder to hold on to the light.

I want my Mina.


I wakes up in a hospital bed, first all I can hear is the beeping sound from the machine.

My eyes wander around, searching for her presence in the room, she's not here.

Where else could she be? Home? Or did she left to get me something? Maybe she went home to get change. I can wait. She probably will come back in a few hours. She won't left me here. She won't.

My mind couldn't bare the thought of losing her, i can't fully focus on anything but her.

When will she come back, I look at the clock on the wall, it's 3:31 in the morning.

Am I lying to myself that I'm fine with her absence? You can't leave me Mina, I know a lot of things but I don't know if i will survive not having you here with me.

The sound of the clock ticking moving with the soft beeping, I heard foot steps approaching the door. My eyes widen. But then the sound of the heels starting to get further down the hall till there's no sign of anyone coming in.

I look around finding my phone, it must be on the nightstand at home.

I miss you Mina, I'm awake now please come faster.

My eyes staring to the light shining from underneath the door, hoping to see any shadow movement. Hoping to see her.

My body begging to rest, my heart won't let it. Closing my eyes a little, I heard the door cracking open, "Mina-?" I quickly open my eyes to see who it is.

"You're awake, how are you feeling?" a nurse come up checking my heart beats, "I'm feeling a bit tired but I guess I'm fine now" I says pushing myself up, "that's good, I think you should get some rest" she smiles at me, "I will, also do you know when she left?" I asks, "who?", "my partner, red head, in purple nightgown", "it has been a week since you're first brought here by the police", "what?", "you were brought here, alone" she says, my mind is blink like someone click on the remove button, "I was in a coma?" My heart rates leveling up, "yes there's no sign of any relative checking in" you're joking right, please this me this is a sick prank.

"I'm here alone for a week?",
"Yes Ms, you should get some rest" she says then left the room.

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