Think small

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As we were walking back to class, my heart rate was still really high.
"How did I let my eyes fall to her lips!? That's so embarrassing. Wait, why did they fall there!?" I thought as I sighed.
"I don't know anymore." I thought in my head.

As we arrived back into the class, it seemed to be nap time. Melanie looked at me, and I looked at her. Her eyes turned that same black that they did on the bus, and mine did too. "W-Wait, that wasn't a dream!? T-The bud really d-did f-fly!?" Before I could finish what I was saying, Melanie grabbed my hand, pulled me to a bed and we sat down.
"Y/N, you're an empath?!"
I was visibly and comically confused.
"You look confused, let me explain. Our eyes go black when we mature, and become more self aware." Melanie spoke, explaining it clearly and thoroughly so I understood it.

I gasped.
"That's why my eyes went black on the bus! But why did they do that in the bathroom?" I thought.

"We also have special abilities. Let me show you!" She whispered as she signaled me to follow her. We then made a tiny pillow fort. "Watch this!" Melanie excitedly said. She shrunk down to the size of a pebble and lit a flame in her hand.
"OH MY WORD-" I said in shock, in a really bad impression of a southern accent. I wasn't from the south or the states so that makes sense on shy I wasn't good at it.
"Shhh!" Melanie laughed and whispered. She shushed my lips, and I instantly shut up.
"Your turn Y/N!"
"My turn!?" I whisper yelled.
"Just think small!" She then jumped off of my hand and ran into the miniature fort.
"Okay, just think small. Its not that hard Y/N." I thought to myself. I closed my eyes, and tried to "Think small."

(TW: cuss words and abusive language)

"YOUR'E AN IDIOT." I flinched as I heard those words.
"Your just a fucking waste of time. Your not worth my money or anything. I want you out Y/N." She said.
"Get out of my head!" I whispered, my eyes still closed.
"You were just a fucking mistake. You're not going to amount to shit."
"GET OUT!" I yelled. I felt a tear fall down my cheek.
"Y/N?" I heard Melanie gently say. I was startled and flung my eyes open to see Melanie with a worried face. She wiped my tears as my lip quivered.
"What was that Y/N?" She asked.
"O-Oh..n-nothing! D-Don't worry about it! I think it's dusty in here or something!" I said, trying to pretend it never happened. Just then, Ms. Daphne walked in from the hallway.

"Time for recess." She spoke and pointed to the door.

I ran out of there before Melanie could ask any more questions.

"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now