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     It was an ordinary day. Below ordinary, even. Boring.

Xiao usually didn't care– that was probably a good thing. Liyue looked peaceful today, more or less. The sun shone gently off the blues and greens of the harbour, from the rolling waves spitting sea spray as they collided with the docks to the decorated eaves curling upwards in traditional styles, dotted across the landscape.

It was, in fact, "A peaceful day in Liyue." He wanted to stab whoever made those words rhyme. He was in a murderous mood right now, rather offsetting from the serenity of the roof of the inn.

As the universal law dictates, however, nothing good can last for over 30 consecutive seconds, today being no exception. There are no exceptions.

Xiao was watching the bustle in the harbour when he saw the tall man in formalwear approaching a teahouse. He knew who it was in a second.

He focused really really hard and his vision zoomed up like some kinda wacko binoculars (adjectives are hard ok) and realized something was... wrong.

Xiao had learned to read lips long ago. He used this ability to his advantage every day, constantly refining it. Yet today, he was not sure if he could trust it.

The man appeared to be ordering a different kind of tea than he had ordered every single day before. What was going on? Did he see it wrong??

The man– hardly visible, really– took a seat and waited patiently. Nothing seemed to be off. The yaksha bit his lip in concentration.

Then he noticed he had learned forward a bit too much. Oops.

Xiao fell off the roof.

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