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(Collei's cute so I wrote her a cute one)

     Whenever the wind blew by in the Ville, Collei always thought of Amber.
When the setting sun hit the horizon with a thousand streaks of red and pink and orange, she thought of Amber.

When a person of Sumeru she met greeted her with a smile, she thought of Amber, Amber so full of joy, arms wrapped tight around Collei as they glided through the sky, and those thoughts were always the ones that reminded her to smile back.

From time to time, that joy overrode her insecurities. This was one of those moments.

The feather quill tickled her chin as she gazed at the empty page before her. Though she still knew little about reading and writing, she'd gotten the basics down, and itched to write to her Mondstadter friend. I'll just ask Master to check my spelling later, she decided, and touched ink to the page.

Deer Amber,

How ar you? I hope you are wel. Im sorry if my speling is bad, I'm still lurning too write.

Im doing ok! Sometimes I get scared, but Master Tignari is very nise. Hes teaching me to be a forest ranger, and shohs me lot of plants.

She had no idea if that was even legible. If you forgave the spelling mistakes, her handwriting was still shaky and choppy and all over the place. To make sure Amber understood, she doodled little flowers under the sentence.

gess what? I got a vision by pretecting a girl! Its dendro. Now I can pretect you like you did for me.

She sketched a dendro vision, putting little rays around it afterwards. Then, as an afterthought, she added Cuilein-Anbar, hoisting it above its head.

Ganharva Ville is very pretty. The forest rangers liv there. Their is a man who own dogs, and he lets me pet them wenever I want. Their so cute!

She drew the dogs, and a little stick Collei feeding them meat.

Im relly happy here, but I miss you. I want to visit for windblume, and Master sed ok!

She made two more stick figures, another Collei and an Amber, hand in hand with windmills in the diatance.

So I will see you soon. By for now.



To finish off, she doodled a tiny heart. Panic suddenly seized her. Why am I writing this? Amber will think I'm stupid.

She rushed over to Tighnari. "Mas... Master! Can you help me, please..?"

She told him her predicament, the words rushing out too jumbled, too fast. He simply kept his iridescent eyes level with hers, so intense but strangely soothing that she just couldn't look away. "So, um, my writing... can you... check it, please?"

He took the page and scanned through it. A smile slowly grew on his face, while Collei felt as if I spike was being driven theough her heart. "It-It's bad, right... I should just-"

He shook his head, ears bobbing. "No."

"No?" Collei croaked.

"No," he repeated. "It's perfect. I can send this to her in a moment, if you're done."

She blushed and nodded. He strode away, but not before speaking gently again over his shoulder. "You're trying so hard, Collei, I'm proud of you. And Amber will be too."

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