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     "You need glasses?" Aether exclaimed.

Yelan scowled. "Yes."

"Since when?" Paimon gasped dramatically and somersaulted in the air. Her eyes were wide as moons.

Yelan's expression, if anything, got even darker. She glared at Paimon, who squeaked in fear. "Since yesterday. The optometrist told me I interrogated criminals in the dark too much. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to g-"

"Show us show us show us show us," begged the Traveller. "Please. I'll do anything. Look-"

He took out his Kamera and laid it on the ground. "No pictures. Please?"

She narrowed her eyes, but finally sighed. "Knowing you, you're not going to leave me alone on this, are you?"

Paimon and Aether answered simultaneously. "No."

Yelan crossed her arms. "Very well. Three seconds, and if that Kamera leaves the ground, I'll put an arrow through your skull."

He nodded, excited. Yelan reached into her pocket and slid an elegant pair of round eyeglasses onto her nose.

Aether's nose dripped blood, though it didn't deter him from whipping out the Special Kamera and snapping a pic... hehe.


"H-Hey! It didn't leave the ground though!"

"Well I'm not shooting you, am I? I'm just kicking your face in... know the difference."

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