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     Sumeru spirits were notoriously difficult, Chongyun was told. Always walking through walls, flicking people on the head, echoing the words of the living until they thought they had gone mad, so on and so forth. Besides being almost impossible to root out.

Which is why it was much harder than usual to convince the Puspa Café owner that he had actually gotten rid of it.

He didn't tell her that all he did was sit there. He knew it was hard to believe, and that explaining the yang energy was a long and complicated process.

Instead he told her that the secret Liyue exorcism arts of his family were incredibly strong and powerful and refused to elaborate (it was a secret, after all).

But she was still skeptical. She insisted that he could not leave and would not be payed until she had proof that the ghost wasn't there anymore at all.

He was there for three days until his saviour came in the intention of a coffee break. After Chongyun begged endlessly for aid, the famous, Teyvat-renowned Traveller relented and used his reputation to good use by convincing Enteka that Chongyun and his family were not only the go-to exorcists in Liyue, but had a 100% success rate in every job they've taken.

And then he was finally free. To pay back the Traveller, he offered to buy him a meal. Maybe while they were at it, Aether could show him a few Sumeru specialties.

The Traveller suggested Lambad's Tavern. "I'm not of age yet, though," Chongyun protested.

Aether shrugged. "Well, they let me in, didn't they?"

That was a good point. The Traveller didn't look a day over sixteen.

Once they got there and sat down, the Traveller ordered meals for both of them, on Chongyun's tab. The table was soon filled with nearly ten different exotic dishes. It was pretty excessive; Chongyun wondered where the Traveller's fairy companion was. She probably could have eaten at least half of these in one go.

Aether pushed a thick red stew full of chicken in his direction. "Here, try this first. It's a kind of curry!"

The fragrance itched at his sinuses... almost as if it was trying to warn him of something. But he didn't want to be rude, so he picked up his utensils and ate a spoonful.

For three long, long minutes all he felt and saw was fire. There was something on his face– had his eyes teared up?

When his vision cleared, the Traveller was watching him worriedly. "I'm sorry, I forgot you're not good with spice. Here–" He put another bowl in front of Chongyun– "This is curry too, but it's milder."

Chongyun wiped the tears from his eyes and stuck his fork in one of the meat chunks in the new bowl. He brought it to his mouth and chewed.

Then he had to grab the table to force off unconsciousness. Heat blazed in his ears.

The Traveller ripped the mask off his face, revealing himself to be (a very drunk) Kaveh. He stabbed a finger in Chongyun's direction. "Ha! FOOL! Sumeru HAS no mild cuisine!"

The End.

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