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     It was a normal day at the Kamisato residence.  Thoma wakes up before the other housekeepers. He lets them sleep a while more while he washes up and changes, but the clock is ticking, and he is eventually forced to gently tap them one by one on the shoulder as the sun blossomed on the horizon.

Thoma fixed everyone a quick breakfast. They thank him as usual and exchange farewells before all heading off to the first chore on their list.

For Thoma, that is bringing in the Kamisato's laundry he'd strung up overnight to dry. Perhaps not the wisest strategy, except that it had had plenty of time to bake in the sun yesterday afternoon; Koharu had forgotten to take the clothes in.

Thoma'd hardly scolded her, refusing to let her go out and bring it in when she realized around midnight. He knows she's trying.

A lizard has landed in Lady Kamisato's kimono. This is a common occurrence; he thinks nothing of it. He plucks out the reptile and flicks her away, tossing the kimono back in the wash basin.

After the rest has been collected, Thoma carries it in to fold. By the time that is done, both Ayato and Ayaka are awake. He asks what they want for breakfast.

"Just an omelet," Ayaka replies instantly.  Thoma gets to work.

Ayato takes much longer to decide. "Fruit Loops," he finally requests. "A, hmm, acquaintance of mine has suggested them before."

Ayaka side-eyes him. "What are 'Fruit Loops?'"

Thoma doesn't know either, so he cuts a large quantity of Lavender Melons into rings, throws in some granola for protein, and adds a dozen orange slices, because calcium is good for your bones. Lord Kamisato appears satisfied.

Ayaka has sword practice first. She excuses herself from the table to dress into her swordplay attire, a hot dog costume with butterfly wings.

Ayato has a meeting with another commissioner. It adjourns quickly, so Thoma went in to clean the room afterwards. There are multiple colourful stains on the wall; it seems the commissioners chose to make their decisions by paintball again.

At noon, he has to go to Ritou for groceries. Lady Kamisato has requested a new brand of drink called 'Evil Tea,' which takes hours to locate.

When he returns, it is late, and the other housekeepers have already made dinner. He eats, and then grabs the broom to go continue his war against the rabid owls on the roof, as per tradition before he goes to sleep. He's getting hopeful, though. One of the owls recently agreed to be a double agent.

Then, finally, it is time to rest. There is nothing left to do except close his eyes and wait for the next morning to come, and maybe the next morning after that too, if he gets lucky.

It was a normal day at the Kamisato residence.

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