╬ 003; Condolences ╬

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Out in the Beacon Hills Preserve, at night time, Derek was seen standing and talking with Scott about Cora and Boyd's disappearance.

Ivanna and Isaac leaning against a tree, staring at them as they talked.

"Is it them?" Scott asks.

"We're not the only ones that decided to stick together." Derek states.

"Is that going to make it easier or harder to find them?" Scott then asks.

A look of irritation was seen on Derek's face, before commenting. "I don't know."

"Derek, i just saw Boyd try to rip apart two little kids, are they going to do that to everyone to find?" Scott expressed his concern.

"Boyd would never hurt anyone, especially like this." Ivanna defensively says.

Scott sighing out at her, looking at her for a while, the girl with a determined look in her eyes that lacked barely any emotions.

Scott then looked at Derek, for his answer.

"Anyone and anything." Derek answers.


At the National Bank, Scott and Allison was seen talking with each other about what really happened that night at the rave.

The reason behind Victoria Argent's death.

"...wait, she tried to kill you?" Allison looked at her ex in shock.

"Yeah, um..." Scott trails.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Allison asks.

"Allison, i swear__ i was, i was going to but, l-look...i-i'll tell you everything, okay?" Scott stammered nervously.

Allison sighed out deeply. "Just...tell me."

"Because, Allison, i didn't want that to be your last memory of her..." Scott then railed off.

Allison then gasps, shaking her head, a horrified look on her face. "Oh! I hurt Ivanna so badly! I even destroyed something that meant a lot her, i-i just...just wasn't thinking."

"I should just make sure-." Allison was saying.

"No, no, don't! Don't go anywhere near her, Ivanna's is in an unbalanced place, right now, she's going off the rails, she's slightly unstable, she isn't thinking and she hates you, and if you go in front of her...just don't." Scott warningly says.

"Scott-." Allison sighs, trying to talk.

"Don't!" Scott slightly raised his voice, Allison blinking in surprise, the McCall then softly sighing out. "Don't...please don't."


"This doesn't make sense, the public pool is all the way on the side of the woods, we haven't tracked them anywhere near the-." Derek stressed.

"Derek, they killed someone." Scott emphatically says.

"You don't have proof." Ivanna interjects.

Scott deeply exhaled. "I know, he's your friend, but, your friend, killed innocent people!"

"Boyd's not only my friend, he's like, you know in a pack everyone means something to everyone and-." Ivanna says with passion.

Ivanna then scoffs. "You wouldn't understand."

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