Shadow Moses

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A/N: Huge opinion alert! I love BMTH so much, and I think it's really cool that they can switch genres the way they do and still sound so good. I love everything they make, but I definitely have favourites that might shine through in this, so just keep that in mind, y'know? Thanks, hope you enjoy! :D

(P.S. I know this isn't the most original idea, and its been done before, but I just wanted to write this for fun, so this is my take on it)

"This. Is. Sempiternal!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, a grin nearly breaking my face in half, despite it being about the hundredth time I'd done so.

"Over and over, again and again!" Oliver Sykes sang into the crowd, before he yelled, "Thank you, and goodnight!" ending the concert.

I grinned again, sweat dripping off of me. So far, this tour had been incredible.

Ducking backstage, I high-fived each of the boys from the band as they ran off-stage. When I reached Oli, my father beamed and wrapped me up in a hug instead.

I frowned, pushing him away and giggling, "You're all sweaty!"

"So're you." He replied with an evil smile, pulling me closer and forcing me against his sweaty shirt.

"Dad!" I snapped, though there was a smile on my face. I loved him to death, but right now, I felt I could do so from a distance.

I pulled off my black That's the Spirit hoodie, revealing a Sempiternal tank-top underneath. Dad and my uncles always loved it when I was decked out in their merch, they thought I was adorable,  and I loved wearing it. Even if now there was a multitude of baby photos out there of me wearing it.

"Hey, you two. We're heading back to the bus, you coming?" Uncle Jordan asked, interrupting us.

"Yep, coming. C'mon, love, I've got so much to tell you." Dad took my hand and we walked towards the back exit.

Of course, there were a couple crazed fans right outside of it, a pair of girls in short skirts and low-cut tank tops, practically shoving their phones up our noses.

"Oh my god! Oli!" One cried, while the other practically tackled Uncle Lee to the ground with an aggressive hug.

"I'm such a huge fan, ever since Count Your Blessings," the girl rambled on, the same spiel Dad had probably heard about a million times before, "Can I get a picture?"

"Of course." Dad grinned, letting me go so he could put an arm around the girl and flash a peace sign at the camera.

"Thank you!" The girl squealed, before she and her friend stepped back to take in the band one last time. I was shocked they hadn't tried anything else. Wouldn't have been the first time.

I was used to being ignored in these situations. After all, I was far from the famous one here. I was just the weird girl with high anxiety and a forgettable personality. But to be honest, I was fine with that. Well, maybe just one of them.

We reached the bus, where I quickly hurried ahead of all of them and threw the door open.

"Your book hasn't moved, Hazel, I promise!" Uncle Nicholls called behind me. Having two uncles named Matt got confusing sometimes, especially since they weren't technically my real uncles, but Nicholls practically only went by his last name with his bandmates anyway, so it wasn't too bad. I didn't really have a reason for calling my other uncle "Uncle Vegan", it was just funny to me and he didn't mind at all. 

"That's why I'm moving for it!" I called back with a grin, before running into the bus and flopping onto my bunk, the one I'd claimed right above my dad's. I heard Uncle Jordan and Dad laugh from outside, and I smirked to myself.

I reached into the large duffel bag at the end of my bed, rummaging past the limited Drop Dead clothes and grabbing my thick novel from the folds of fabric. I flopped back, grinning to myself as I turned to my bookmark and continued my chapter. As I read, my hand moved from one out of my two hoop earrings, then to the top hoop piercing, and finally to a strand of my hair,  the single teal strand evident against the dark brown, almost black, of my natural hair. Fortunately, I'd been spared most of my mother's features, and shared my dad's hazel eyes, growth spurts, thin body, jaw, mouth, and nose.

I didn't really wear makeup, and while I thought the emo look on girls was really cool, I really didn't have the effort or talent to make myself look like them on a regular basis.

Besides, I liked books and practically lived with only five guys all the time, so who would I learn any kind of technique from, outside of tutorials online?

I finally tucked the dyed strand behind my ear, flipping the page as Dad and my uncles finally caught up.

"Really? The book but no earbuds?" Uncle Nicholls teased as he spotted me curled up on my bed.

"Well, I knew you were coming, so I didn't want to be rude." I grinned, finishing my chapter, closing the book and jumping from the bunk to the couch, where the guys had switched on the T.V.

I flopped down next to Dad, and he smiled, running his hand through my hair and playing with the long strands, his fingers lingering on the teal strip.

"I'm going to have to design a new sweatshirt or something to match this." He told me.

"That'd be awesome." I smiled, playing with the strings of my sweater, taking on a sarcastic, whiny tone. "'Cause I have no merch from you guys, and I never get to show how much I love you and the band."

Uncle Jordan reached over and tased my ribs with his fingers, a playful smile on his lips, and I let out a shriek of laughter, pushing him away.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I pulled it out. My smile immediately grew ten times bigger.

"Who's got you grinning so big?" Uncle Jordan immediately asked, noticing the change.

"No one." I lied, shoving my phone away again. I'd reply later.

"Mmhm. Bullshit, Hazel. C'mon, who's got you all hot and bothered?" Uncle Vegan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and I felt myself go red.

"Now she's blushing!" Uncle Lee piped up, and I groaned.

"You guys are the worst." I grabbed a throw pillow from the couch and hugged it to my chest. 

"Someone's hiding something..." Uncle Jordan sing-songed, leaning closer.

"Shut up." I mumbled, though, he wasn't entirely wrong.

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now