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"So let's run...away....'cause everything's broken, and we're so much more than...another brick in...the grave. So give me your every, give me your everything, and let's get...away..."

I sighed, content as eventually the song's melody faded out and I tugged my earbuds out by the cord. I could hear Dad and the others, still wide awake and talking, loud and clear through the thin door separating the bunks from the main area.

I could also hear the crunch of cans, so I was pretty sure it was safe to assume they were more than a few drinks into the night.

Hesitantly, I yanked the covers over my head and pulled out my phone.

I grinned as a familiar contact still said "Unread" in my DM's.

Jaxon Tuck (A/N: Fictional, of course, just like Hazel. I would feel weird using Matt Tuck's actual son, so we're going with this). I opened the message.

Jaxon: Hey Hazel! How's tour going?

My smile grew somehow, and I quickly replied:

Me: Pretty good. Can't wait til BFMV gets here. Ever heard of them?

My heart leaped into my throat as I saw Jaxon go active and begin typing back almost immediately.

Jaxon: Who?

I giggled to myself, texting back:

Me: Hilarious. How're the boys doing?

Jaxon: Alright. The bus is crowded and Jason stinks. And now he's mad at me.

Me: Lol, you let him read this?! Have fun explaining that one away. Dad and the others are all drunk rn, so I've got pretty free range for now

Jaxon: I would say you're lucky, if I didn't know what Oli looked like drunk.

I laughed out loud this time, before it was cut short.

To my horror, the blanket was yanked off of me, and Lee climbed up the ladder, throwing his arm around my shoulders. Completely sober.

"Who're we giggling at?" He laughed at my horrified expression, "Thought I was drunk too, didn'tcha?"

"Well, you usually are." I argued.

He laughed again, "Fair enough. The boys're all out now, though, so care to explain?" He pointed at my phone, "Won't tell your dad. I promise."

"Won't tell you." I shot back, switching off my phone, "And I'm going to bed now. It's fucking two in the morning. Get outta here."

Lee shrugged, "I'm telling Oli."

I grabbed his wrist.

"Don't. You. Dare."

His eyebrow quirked upwards. "Then tell me."

"Not now." I insisted. At this point, I could see my phone going crazy with Jaxon's messages, and I felt a twinge of guilt. Hopefully he didn't think I was dead. Or ignoring him.

"Eventually?" My uncle pressed.

I bit my lip. "Whatever. Just go. I want to sleep tonight, Uncle Lee."

"Alright. Nighty night, princess." He grinned, before disappearing.

I rolled my eyes and quickly ducked back under the blanket, checking on Jaxon.

Jaxon: Sorry, should I not have said that about your dad?

Jaxon: You there?

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now