Chelsea Smile

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"Stay. Away. From. Me!" I growled, keeping my voice low as I tried to kick Andy away.

"Stop fighting me, Princess. You aren't gonna like what happens." He warned, his voice as cold as ice.

"Stop trying to do something horrible, you fucking psychopath!" I whisper-yelled, "Leave me alone!"

He lunged forwards and grabbed my shoulders, pinning me to the bed.

"Last chance. Knock it off. Your dad is too drunk to know shit right now, and it wouldn't take much to put a bullet in his head." He threatened.

I froze. "You don't mean that."

"Oh, I do." He grinned.

My breathing was ragged. "You're a monster."

He shrugged, "I do what I have to."

"What about the rest of the band? What about when they find out?" I snapped.

"They won't. Because if that pretty little mouth says anything other than what I want to hear, the experience that follows will not be enjoyable." He replied, his face getting closer to mine.

"Get away," I strained as far as I could.

He grabbed my face and forced it back. "Not just yet, Princess."

He forced his lips on mine, and I gagged and tried to yank away. Alcohol was evident on his breath, so clearly he'd had a couple shots as well before coming up to torment me. 

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I snapped angrily, my voice raising slightly in volume.

He didn't listen, instead shutting me up by coming in again.

As he kissed me, his hands moved to my sweater, pulling it over my head. There was more light in here than there had been in the basement, and I immediately flushed in embarrassment. "Stop!" But the word was too muffled to make sense of.

He froze as he saw my wrists.

He pulled away to say, "Well, well. What happened here? Has little Sykes been self-harming?" He grabbed my arm and traced his disgusting fingers over the scars.

"Don't touch those!" I cried, trying to pull away.

"Does Oli know?"

"None of your fucking business!"

"Quiet, Princess." His tone alone held the threat, and I snapped my mouth shut. "Now tell me. Does Oli know?"

"Yes." I gritted out. As long as he was talking, he wasn't doing anything to me. Stall, Hazel. Stall stall stall.


"H-he found out. I moved to catch something and my sleeve went up high enough for him to see."

"How'd he react?"

"He was angry. Why the fuck do you care?" I finally asked a question of my own.

"I don't. I'm just curious." His hands were still lingering over the scars, "What made you do it."

"I hated myself."

"You don't anymore?"

"Well, I have someone new in my life more worth hating." I glared at him.

He laughed, "I'm wounded. Now, where were we?"

My eyes widened. "Wait!"

"No can do, Princess. We gotta get this done before someone stumbles their way in here and finds out."

He moved for my pants, and I tried to kick at him, but his weight shifted to hold my legs down. "Stop. Fucking. Fighting me." He growled.

I could only watch as my pants slipped off, and he moved for my undergarments.

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