Go To Hell, For Heaven's Sake

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I walked out of the bunk area the next morning and was immediately grabbed and yanked to the side.

Dad's hug was smothering, but I quickly melted into it, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry I have to keep apologizing, baby." Dad mumbled into my hair, "And I'm sorry for being so awful yesterday. I like Jaxon, I do, I just..."

"I know," I whispered, "it's okay."

He hugged me tighter. "You can date him. Just take it slow for me, okay? And I will be speaking to the school about the bullying. Anonymously." He added at my look of panic.

I relaxed slightly. "Thank you, Dad."

"I love you, baby," he whispered, finally letting me go. "Here." He handed my phone back, and I took it gratefully.
My heart flipped a little as I saw about fifty new worried messages from Jax.

"You should go see him. Bullet's bus is just a few down." Dad said, and I threw my arms around him one last time, kissing his cheek and running out of the door.

I slowed as I approached the bus, my palms going sweaty.

Cmon, Hazel, you've got permission this time. No secrets.

I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, and knocked.

Matt opened the door. "Hey, Hazel, what's up?"

"Hi Matt. Is Jaxon here?"

"Sure is. C'mon in." He stepped aside and I thanked him, walking inside.

Bullet's bus was nearly identical to Bring Me's, and Jason and Jamie were both lounging on the couch, watching some program on the TV. Both turned as they heard Matt and I.

"Hey, Hazel, long time no see." Jason grinned.

"Hi guys." I smiled back.

Jamie wiggled his eyebrows. "Heard about you and Jax. If he breaks your heart, give us the word and we'll show him what happens to dicks." He cracked his knuckles.

"How's he at kissing?" Jason added, "He's  still twelve in my mind so I gotta know-"

"I'm fantastic at it, no further questions." Jax strode into the room and wrapped an arm around my waist, "Right, Hazel?"

I giggled, "Well..."

Jason and Jamie lost it laughing, and Jax flushed red, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door.

"I was kidding, for the record." I clarified.

Jax grinned back. "Thought so. Or I thought you needed a redo to prove yourself wrong."

Before I could process it, Jax grabbed my waist and pulled me against himself, pressing his lips to mine.

Trying not to laugh, I kissed him back.

It was amazing how natural something I'd never done before him could feel.

"The tour ends in a couple weeks." Jax said sadly as he pulled away.

I shushed him, "Don't remind me. I guess we'll have to be long distance for a bit."

Jax looked sad. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

"Let's just not think about it yet." I suggested, taking his hand.

He sighed. "I'm gonna face time you all the time." He promised.

"Every day," I agreed.

"Oh my God!"

Jax and I both turned towards the new voice.

A girl who looked around our age was running towards us.

As she got closer, I tensed.

Jax felt it. "What?" He glanced back at the girl,  "Do you know her?"

"C'mon, trust me, you don't wanna-"


I cursed under my breath as she caught up. The girl who'd distracted my security guard. The girl who helped drive me to cutting.

"What d'you need?" Jax asked, trying to be polite while also still shooting me concerned looks.

"Sorry," the girl giggled, and I held back my gag, "I thought you were Matt Tuck. You look a lot like him."

"Probably 'cause he's my dad." Jax stated. That was the difference between him and me. I rarely told people about my famous father. Jaxon told every chance he got.

"Oh my God! Are you serious?" The girl squealed, "Can I get a picture?"

"Uh," Jax glanced at me, "You do realize I'm not the famous one, correct?"

She laughed way harder than necessary. "Yeah, but it's not every day you meet Matt Tuck's kid, either. Smile!" She held up her phone, and Jax reluctantly smiled, holding up his fingers in the metal gesture.

Then, to my horror, as she snapped the next photo, she grabbed Jax's face, turned it towards herself, and forced her lips on his.

"Hey!" Jax jerked away, rubbing his face like she'd hit him,  "What the fuck?"

"C'mon, you loved it." She smiled as he pushed her away.

"I promise, I did not." Jax snapped, "Ever heard of something called 'consent?'"

He quickly walked over to me, wrapping an arm around me as if to rub it in the girl's face. I swallowed. This was gonna get ugly.

She finally seemed to notice I was even there. "Well, well, well." She smirked, "If it isn't the fat, ugly little whore herself."

I just stared at the ground, but I felt Jax's grip on me tighten.

"What the fuck did you just call her?" His voice was pure fury.

"Aw, little emo needs her out of league boyfriend to stick up for her. How brave," the girl snickered, and I squeezed my eyes shut, praying someone would come and make her leave. Preferably before Jax lashed out at her first.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Jax borderline yelled.

"Who the fuck does she think she is?" The girl shot back. "Don't tell me your dating her. You're so cute. You're Matt Tuck's son. You can do better."

"Like who, you?" Jax's laugh was cold, "Thanks, hard pass."

The girl narrowed her eyes. "You'll regret it, believe me."

"I'll take your word for it. Get the fuck out of my sight."

The girl growled something I didn't hear under her breath as she stalked away, and I felt my chest begin to tighten as my breathing turned rapid.

"Hey, hey, relax." Jax gently sat me down on the grass, "She's gone."

I sucked in a few large breaths, turning to look up at him with a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"Anytime." Jax said. He paused, before asking, "Is that how the kids at school treat you, too?"

I nodded shakily. "Sometimes."


"Don't worry, I told my uncle Jordan everything, and he told my dad. He's gonna talk to the schoolboard and hopefully make next year more bearable."

Jaxon exhaled. "Thank goodness. And if it does happen anyway, you're going to...?"

"Tell you. And my dad." I finished with a watery smile, "What would I do without you?"

Jaxon smiled, cupping my cheek in his hand. "I'll always be here, Hazel. I promise."

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