And The Snakes Start To Sing

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"We're gonna head back to the bus, Hazel. You coming?"

I turned to Uncle Jordan, who'd agreed to stay sober to drive us home afterwards.

"Yeah, one sec," I nodded, and he flashed me a thumbs up,  walking away.

I leaned back on the bench Jax and I are relaxing at. "Well..."

"Well." Jax repeated, before sighing, "One more day."

"We'll make the most out of it as humanly possible," I promised.

"Okay," Jax agreed, "Goodnight, Hazel."

He leaned forwards, and I kissed him, once again letting his tongue find its way into my mouth.

Then I swear I heard him mumble, "I love you, Hazel."

I jerked back. No one had ever told me that except my uncles and Dad.

"Sorry, too soon?" Jax apologized immediately, "I just mean-"

"I love you, too, Jaxon," I cut him off, kissing him one more time before running off, my thoughts darting in every direction.

I ran to the van,  climbing in the front seat next to Uncle Jordan.

"Well. Worth coming?" Uncle Jordan asked as we left the parking lot.

"Definitely." I agreed, "I got to eat dinner next to Courtney LaPlante! It doesn't get better than that!"

My uncle laughed. "Fair enough." We rode in silence, and I glanced at the radios clock, shocked to see it was almost three in the morning already.

We reached the bus, and everyone collapsed into their bunks, exhausted.

I pulled out my phone, opening up a notification from one of my social media accounts.

Follow request: Andy Leo

I squinted, wondering if I'd read it wrong. Nope, still Andy Leo. Of Crown the Empire.

Well, I wasn't about to say no.

I quickly accepted and almost immediately my phone buzzed with a new DM.

Andy Leo: Hey, Hazel!

Me: Hi Andy. Are you sure this is who you meant to message?

Andy Leo: Of course princess. I don't wanna fall out of touch with the famous Hazel Sykes.

I was confused.

Me: I'm not the famous one in this family...

Andy Leo: lol. I'd rather talk to you than Oli to be honest

Me: oh. Well, I should probably get some sleep

Andy Leo: of course. Good night princess

He followed it with a kiss emoji before he disappeared, and I hesitantly placed my phone aside. That was... strange. But I guess it sort of made sense after tonight? Maybe?

He was probably drunk. Yeah, that was probably it.

I let my eyes slip shut, and was asleep within minutes.

I woke the next morning and got up immediately.

One more day. I reminded myself, slipping on my That's The Spirit hoodie and skinny jeans.

My phone went off yet again, and I looked at the notification, expecting it to be Jax. No such luck.

Andy Leo: Morning princess. We're playing at the center stage at one... just in case you were wondering...;)

I sighed. I didn't know if he was just hungover now or something,  but I didn't know if I wanted to watch them when I could be spending limited time with Jax, but maybe he'd want to see them. I'd have to see.

I texted as much back, and he thanked me and left.

I texted Jax, and he quickly replied.

Jaxon: meet me at our bus in fifteen. I've got something planned :)

I grinned in spite of myself. He was so sweet.

I'd found him a parting gift at a little shop a couple days ago when I asked Uncle Jordan to take me.

"Morning, Hazel. What d'you have planned for today?" Dad asked as he walked out of the bunks and towards the coffee machine as per every morning.

"I'm meeting Jax in fifteen minutes. He says he's got a surprise for me." I felt myself beam again as I spoke.

Dad laughed, "Well, have fun. Make good choices. No tattoos or drugs."

I giggled, "You never let me do anything."

He grinned and walked over to wrap me in a hug. "Have fun, babygirl. We play at eleven, so keep an ear out."

"I will." I agreed, "I should get going. Love you, Dad."

"Love you, too."

I hurried towards Bullet's bus, my heart flipping into my throat as I clutched the small box containing his gift in my sweaty palm.

Tucking it safely into my pocket, I knocked.

"Come on in, Hazel!" Jason's voice called.

I opened the door and let myself in.

"How's it going, Sykes?" Jason grinned from the couch.

"Alright. Sad tour's almost over."

"Right there with ya. Our last show's at five." He sighed.

Jax walked in before I could reply, looking as good as ever in his Bullet For My Valentine logo sweater.

"Hey," he grinned, "Ready for this?"

I nodded, "What's the plan?"

"C'mon," he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door, calling over his shoulder, "Okay, we're leaving, bye Dad!"

"Bye Jax, love you!" Jason yelled back mockingly.

Jax rolled his eyes and slammed the door.

"Okay," he turned back to me, the most adorable glint of excitement in his eyes, "Turn around."

I obeyed, and I heard cloth rustle before he gently secured a blindfold across my eyes.

"Is this okay?" He asked as he felt me stiffen.

"Y-yeah. What the hell are we doing?" I laughed.

"Can't spoil the surprise." I could hear the smile in his voice.

He gently took my hands and led me forwards.

I felt pavement turn to grass under my sneakers, and an upward slope the further we walked.

"Jax," I laughed again, "Seriously, what are we doing?"

"You'll see!" He sang the last word, continuing to drag me along.

It felt like an eternity had passed, and I was starting to get worried.

"How far are we going, Jax?" I finally had to ask.

He snickered. "We haven't gone that far, Hazel, we just have to walk slow I don't accidentally make you trip and break something."

More than a little embarrassed, I clamped my mouth shut.

Finally, he slowed me to a stop.

"Alright. We're here. Ready?"

"Yes!" I cried excitedly.

He laughed again, "Okay."

He yanked the blindfold off, and I slowly opened my eyes.

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now