Diamonds Aren't Forever

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Nightmares plagued me all night, and I tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

I cursed as the sun hit the horizon, signaling in the next morning. I'd barely slept at all, but it wasn't like I'd be able to now, so I got up.

My phone was completely silent for once, and I immediately began  to worry about Jax.

I shot him a text before heading downstairs.

I stiffened as I walked into the kitchen and saw Alissa preparing breakfast for Dad.

She turned around as she felt my eyes on her. "Oh. Um. Good morning."

"'Morning," I replied hesitatantly, taking a seat at the island.

She looked down at the pan of eggs she was making. "Do you, um, would you like some?"

I was a little taken aback by her sudden kindness.

"Um. Yes, please. Thank you," I added.

She just nodded and took out three plates.

I thanked her again as she set the food in front of me, and Dad walked in a few minutes later.

"'Morning, babe." He wrapped an arm around Alissa, kissing her on the cheek before grabbing his plate and taking a seat next to me, "Good morning, love."

"'Morning, Dad." I replied, taking a bite of egg.

"Sleep alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." I lied.

His brow furrowed with my lie, but he didn't press.

When I was done, I left my dishes in the sink and headed back to my room, ready to just lock myself in there and never leave again.

I pulled out my sketchbook, admiring each of the sketches proudly. Usually I wasn't proud of my own work, but in the light of my kidnapping, I suddenly had a new appreciation for the smaller things.

Then I pulled out my phone, searching through my playlists and deleting every Crown the Empire song I had, sending a silent apology to the rest of the band. But if I never heard Andy's voice again, I'd be fine with that.

I sighed as I flopped back on my bed, my phone falling inches from my fingers.

I must've fallen asleep, because next thing I knew, my phone's ring tone was waking me up with a new call from Jax.

I picked up quickly. "Hey  'bout time you responded. How're you holding up?"

"Why didn't you tell them, Hazel?" His voice wasn't angry. Just...confused.

I lowered my voice, "I can't, Jax. Andy'll kill you, and whoever I tell. He said so himself."

"He fucking kidnapped us and raped you, Hazel! He needs to be in jail. Call the police."

"You call the police," I shot back, keeping my voice low before Dad heard and came to investigate.

"I can't. Dad's monitoring everything I do now because he thinks my trauma is making me insane. I keep telling him, and everyone, that it was Andy, but no one will believe me." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears, "I overheard Dad talking to Jason about sending me to a psych ward. Hazel, you have to tell them. You have to tell them the truth." His tone switched to begging.

"I know. Don't worry, Jax, we're gonna get through this. I won't let them send you away. How long are you guys in England?"

"Dad said he wants to stay until the kidnapper's found. But since we don't know how long that'll take," he muttered something about Andy under his breath, "We aren't really sure."

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant