fresh bruises

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"Hazel, Hazel, please answer me." Jax begged, "Are you okay?"

"Of course not." I sobbed. Andy had left us down here, locking the door as he left to play another show Crown the Empire was performing elsewhere in England. I didn't know where. I didn't fucking care.

It was the first thing I'd finally said, and Jax gasped.

"Look at me, Hazel. Please,"

"I can't, Jax. I can't live with myself right now. How can I make you?"

"Hey, hey, hey. I know Andy just ruined it, but I still love you like nobody else. I'm here."

"How can you love a whore?" I muttered, pushing sweaty hair out of my face and trying not to cry again. Thankfully, Andy had turned off the lights again when he left, but I was still naked and flaming with shame and horror and a million other emotions.

"You aren't a whore, Hazel. You didn't choose to do that! It wasn't something you could control!" Jax insisted, "I will never love you any less for being forced into something you didn't want to do."

"I could've fought. I could've tried." I wiped my eyes again.

"You were fighting. You're so, so strong, Hazel. You did everything you could. I'm sorry I couldn't do more."

"There was literally nothing you could do. If you did, he would've just hit you harder."

I rolled over to finally look at him. He crawled as far as his chain would allow him, extending a hand.

I hesitated. Andy had left me with nothing but a thin blanket to cover myself, but it was also dark. I wrapped it tight, covering as much of myself as I could.

Then I moved from the bed to the floor, reaching out with my non-bound hand as well.

The tips of our fingers brushed against each other in the small space, and we both laid down, holding onto each other as best as we could as we waited for it all to end.


We snapped awake as we heard the door creak open, both of us still sprawled across the floor touching each other as best as we could. Early sunlight streamed through the cracks of a boarded up basement window, informing me of the next morning.

I was terrified to lose the little contact with Jax I had, but I knew Andy wasn't going to take this very well.

He smirked as he descended the steps, watching us.

"Desperate much?" He said, walked over and kicking us apart, drilling his foot on Jax's upturned palm.

Jax let out a yell, pulling his hand to his chest and cradling it in pain.

"Jax!" I yanked on my chain in desperation, but, to be expected, it didn't budge. It was still annoying, though.

"Relax, sweetheart. He's fine." Andy reached around his neck and pulled out a small silver key on a chain. He slipped it into my cuff, freeing me from the bed.

As much as I wanted to attack him, tackle him, punch him until his face was unrecognizable, I was still naked and completely ashamed, too afraid to move.

I got up, crawling to where my clothes were still lying in a heap.

Andy just watched, raising an eyebrow when I hesitated.

"Waiting for something?" He asked when I didn't pull the bra on.

"Can you at least look away?" I begged.

He laughed. "I prefer watching you squirm. In fact..." He walked over and grabbed Jax's head, making him look at me, too. "Get dressed, sweetheart. We've got a big day ahead of us."

I started to cry again, and Jax did his best to try force his head out of Andy's grasp, without avail.

So instead, he just squeezed his eyes shut, and before Andy could notice, I dressed as fast as possible.

"You're sick, you know that?" Jax spat when I was finally done.

Andy just shrugged.

Now that I was dressed, I ran over to Jax, throwing my arms around him and trying to jerk on his chain.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I whispered while I had the chance, "I'm sorry."

"I love you, t-"

"That's enough of that." Andy interrupted. He grabbed my arm in a death grip, trying to jerk me away, but Jax held on tight, refusing to let me go.

Andy shook his head in annoyance, kicking him yet again, harder than ever.


"Hazel! Don't you dare hurt her, you twisted fuck! Let her go!"

Andy just ignored him, dragging me towards the stairs, up, down a thin hall, and to another bedroom.

He threw me onto the bed, and I staggered back.

"Don't touch me. Please, please, I can't-" I sobbed, wishing I wasn't so fucking weak.

"Shh, shh." Andy whispered, "It's okay. Same logic applies. Do what I say, and I have no reason to hurt you."

I gasped for air, trying to calm myself down, but it was so hard right now. 

"For right now," Andy continued, pulling out his phone, "I just need you to talk. We're gonna record a little video for Daddy, alright?" 

My eyes widened. "No. No, I won't! I can't do that to hi-"

He hit me in the same spot as the prior night, and I winced as the bruise flared in a new, much worse pain. My lip began to bleed, and I grabbed my face, forcing my eyes not to well up.

Then his lips were by my ear again. "You know, I can very easily just raise your price and kill Jax. He's very expendable. So I'd really consider what you can and can't do."

I exhaled, panic building again. "I'll cooperate." I whispered.

"I thought you might." He smirked, "Now." He held up his phone, switching it to record. "I just need you to say hi, you're safe, but you wanna go home. And Jax is here, too. I'll take care of everything else. Got it?"

I nodded shakily.

"Oh," he added as his finger hovered over the button, "You will also not tell him that it's me behind this camera. Alright?"

I nodded again, biting my lip.

"Okay, and...go." Andy pressed the button.

I cleared my throat. "Um. Hi, Dad. I-I...I was taken from the concert. M-me and Jax." I cleared my throat again, forcing the words out at this point, "W-we're safe, but we wanna go home. It was An-"

Andy shot me a death glare, warning me for the last time.

I couldn't risk Jax's safety. Besides, if I said it, he just wouldn't send the video.

"An unfamiliar guy." I finished lamely, "He wants money. I...I love you, Dad. So much. Thank you for everything."

Andy stopped recording. "How sweet. But it's perfect. I wouldn't risk trying to expose me again." He hit me hard across the face yet again, before dragging me back down to the basement and chaining me up.

He left, to finish and send the video, I assume, and Jax muttered something to me.

I leaned closer. "What?" I whispered.

He cleared his throat, "You okay? He didn't do anything, did he?"

"Nope. He just recorded a video of me to send to Dad, and your dad, probably, to give him the money."

"Oh." He bit his lip, before dropping his voice even lower, and saying the most amazing thing he could in the moment:

"Hazel. I think I know a way out."

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now