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"What's up, love?" Dad asked, looking a little taken aback by my expression.

"Why do you keep fighting with Uncle Jordan?" I demanded, "How come everything is an argument now? What happened?"

Dad sighed, tearing a hand through his hair. "Heard that, didn't you? It's fine, baby. We're just trying to sort through some... conflicting stuff right now."

I sighed, too. "Dad. Don't start fights over nothing. You're gonna tear apart the band from the inside out."

"I will absolutely not do that." He grinned and wrapped an arm around my waist, guiding me towards the kitchen. "I'm starving. Go ditch that in your room for the next two weeks and join me, won't you?"

"Of course, my good sir." I mocked with a smile, hurrying towards the stairs.

I threw my backpack onto my bed and ran back downstairs, where Dad had a plate of various snacks ready and waiting.

I grinned, grabbing an apple slice from the plate and tentatively taking a bite.

"So. Plans for the break?" Dad said with a smile.

I thought for a second. "I dunno. What do you wanna do?"

"Well, we're hoping to drop a new song soon, so we'll be busy for the first couple days. But..." Dad reached into his jacket and pulled out two slim tickets, sliding them towards me, "I was thinking Wednesday we go see Sleep Token. They're performing in our favourite venue downtown that night."

"Really?" I squealed, "That's amazing!" I threw my arms around his neck, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You're very welcome, baby." He laughed, "I can't wait. I swear, it's been ages since we just enjoyed a concert together without any work from the band."

I nodded. I was already beyond excited for this.

True to his word, Uncle Jordan came back on the day of the concert,  along with the rest of my uncles.

"Hey, Princess!" Uncle Lee grinned, wrapping me up in a huge hug as I ran towards my family, "It's been too long!"

"I's the music?" I grinned.

He laughed, "You tell me. You're the one who lives in our workplace."

I thought about it. "It sounds good." I decided.

Uncle Lee laughed. "Well, that's good."

He let me go and walked down the hall with the rest of the band to the music room. Uncle Jordan and Dad weren't yelling at each other, thank goodness.


The guys worked on their newest song, and some others, never really completing a full one. But just the snippets of the songs made me have full confidence that this album was gonna be a hit (A/N: if they'd ever release it amirite lol).

"Good enough for today, boys?" Dad finally said, "Hazel and I have a concert to get to."

I barely held back my squeal. I'd nearly forgotten.

"Go get changed, love." Dad said with a smile, shifting his eyes to the stairs.

I obeyed quickly, running up two steps at a time and quickly selecting my favorite oversized Sleep Token hoodie.

"Ready?" Dad called up the stairs a few minutes later.

"Yep!" I ran back downstairs, "Let's g-"

"Wait." Dad stopped me, "I have a little something for you."

I stopped and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Here." He handed me a wrapped package.

Hesitantly, I tore the wrapping off to reveal...

"Whoa," I breathed, pulling out the sweater. It had a teal Bring Me The Horizon logo on the front that perfectly matched the dye of the strip of my hair, and the back of the sweater had the recently released cover art for the new album.

Post Human: NEx Gen it read.

I beamed up at Dad.

He smiled back warmly. "Figured you could promote us a little at this thing."

I ran to change, before throwing myself in his arms  "Thank you."

"We're just getting started." He promised, "It fits good?"

I wrapped my arms around myself. "It's perfect. Thank you so much."

He laughed. "To the car! Preferably before we're late!"

"Let's go!" I giggled as I yanked him towards the door.

As I did, he yelled over his shoulder, "'Bye, Alissa! We'll see you later!"

"Have fun, babe." I heard her say back, before the door closed.

We jumped in the car and cruised down the highway, headbanging to as many songs as possible before arriving at the venue.

Dad found a spot, pulled in, put the car in park, and turned to me with a suddenly serious expression. "Hazel."

"Y-yes?" I responded, unsettled by the sudden tonal shift.

"Here." Dad leaned over and fastened a long cloth over my eyes, making the world go dark.

"What the- what's going on?" I reached up to touch it, but Dad grabbed my wrist.

"Just trust me. You'll love this."


I let him lead me out of the car, and I could almost feel the ground pulsing beneath me with the energy of the concert that was only growing.

The lyrics of a song that most definitely wasn't Vessel's voice or a Sleep Token song at all drifted to my ears.

"I stand on the ash of all I've ever loved...memories, of a broken I'm alone, in the dark! I know there's a way out when all hope is gone...find your light in a new dawn...but there's no way, to, do this on our own!"

I felt my jaw drop, but it only lasted a second before a familiar voice yelled, "Thank you all so much!" and the blindfold was suddenly ripped off of my eyes.

I was standing directly in front of a huge poster on the side of the venue. Dad tossed the blindfold aside and rested his hands on my shoulders.

The poster in front of me had a huge picture of a familiar band, and read:

Bullet For My Valentine

Feat. Crown the Empire

I whipped around to look at Dad. "You didn't."

But it wasn't Dad behind me.

Jax smirked, extending his arms out for a hug.


I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now