In The Dark

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No. God, no.

I pulled away from Jax, my face practically on fire.

"Care to explain yourself, Hazel?" Uncle Jordan smirked.

It wasn't Dad. It wasn't good, but it wasn't Dad, so it was better than it could've been. Though Uncle Jordan was closest thing to a second dad I had. I didn't pick favourite uncles, but if I did, it'd be him. Though maybe not right now.

Jax stood up. "It's my fault, sir. I-"

I cut him off. "It's not his fault."

"I wouldn't say it's anyone's fault. I'd say you're going to have a lot of fun explaining this to Oli, though." Uncle Jordan said.

"Explaining what to me?"

I cringed as not just Dad, but the rest of my uncles walked in.

"I..." I shot a sideways glance at Jax, then Uncle Jordan.

Uncle Jordan wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I think this'll be easier if..." He looked at Jax, tipping his eyes towards the door.

Taking the hint, Jax nodded and headed for the door.

Dad and my uncle took their seats on the couch, Dad glaring suspiciously at the door where Jax had gone moments ago.

"What's going on, princess?" Uncle Lee asked, looking at me with concern.

"I-I..." Sweating profusely, I glanced at Uncle Jordan "I just..."

"Spit it out, baby." Dad urged.

Uncle Jordan's hand squeezed my shoulder in reassurance.

"Okay." I took a deep, shaky breath, "Jax and I are...we're, um...official."

The air seemed to drain from the room.

Dad's jaw was clenched as he gritted out, "What?"

"We're dating." I said, standing my ground.

"No." Dad said simply.

I felt my brow pucker. "Dad..."

"You are not dating Jax. Or anyone. I absolutely forbid it." Dad snapped.

"Dad!" I cried, "I'm not a little kid anymore! I adore him, and he loves me for me. There isn't a better guy for me out there!"

"Listen to yourself, Hazel. You're a teenager. You don't know shit about love. You aren't dating anyone. End of discussion."

"Dad..." Tears threatened to escape my eyes, "If you'd just listen to me for once in your life..."

"We're done here, Hazel. Give me your phone, go to your bunk, and stay there." He commanded.

"Dad, please-"

"Do not fucking argue with me!" Dad roared, and I cowered back in fear. I'd never seen him so angry, especially with me.

Uncle Jordan released my shoulder. "Oli..." His tone was a warning.

"Shut the fuck up, Jordan. Hazel, bunk." He pointed angrily at the doorway.

"Yes, Dad." I whispered, trying not to cry. Maybe if I didn't argue, he'd cool off a little.

Slowly, I got to my feet, dropped my phone in his open palm, and shuffled out, my head low.

"Oli, what the fuck?" I heard Uncle Jordan snap immediately, "What was that about?"

"She's still a kid, Jordan. I'm not letting her hook up with some random fucking kid just because her teenage feelings are telling her it's 'true love.'"

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