Oh No

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Dad clutched me tighter one more time, before running downstairs to talk to the cops and paramedics.

A few moments later, two paramedics ran in with a stretcher, and quickly loaded Jax onto it. Matt went down with him so they could go to the hospital together.

Dad tried to get them to take me as well so I could be with Jax, but they wanted me to stay so they could get to the bottom of what happened.

Andy was just coming to, and he was quickly grabbed and handcuffed.

One of the officers, a kind-looking older guy, knelt down in front of me. "Are you alright, Miss...?"

"Hazel. Hazel Sykes." I told him, "And yeah, I'm okay. Now," I added as I saw Andy narrow his eyes at me.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He asked, pulling out a pad of paper and pencil.

I took a shaky breath, "Well, me and my boyfriend were kidnapped from the concert. By him," I tipped my eyes towards Andy. The officer nodded and wrote something down. I continued, "And after we escaped, he found me and held death threats over my boyfriend and father if I told anyone."

"And your boyfriend is the one who..." the officer pointed with his pencil to the door, his eyes briefly glancing at the blood on the floor.

"Yes." I nodded, "And he was also the one who shot him." I looked at Andy again, whose stare had escalated to pure fire.

"Alright." He turned to Dad, "Would it be alright if we took your daughter to the station for further questioning, and to find the DNA of the rapist, just to be sure?"

"Of course. Can I come along?" Dad asked, to which the officer agreed.

Dad kept his arm around my shoulders as we got in one police car, and Andy was shoved in the other.

We drove to the station, and the officers ran multiple tests, promising to have results by the next day.

Meanwhile, Andy would be held at the station.

I breathed a sigh of relief as we left, and Dad and I got in our own car and drove to the hospital to see Jax, who was thankfully in stable condition.

As soon as I saw him, I ran to his bedside and hugged him.

"Hey," he grinned.

"Hey." I mumbled back, "Guess what?"


"Andy's in jail."

"Finally!" Jax cried happily, and we laughed as just held each other in relief.

Matt and Dad were talking in hushed voices by the door, and Jax and I both turned to look at them.

"What?" Jax finally asked, "What's up?"

"We just..." Matt looked at Dad.

"We're so sorry we didn't believe you, Jax. And we're sorry you had to lie, Hazel." Dad said, remorse in both of their gazes, "We should've-"

"It's okay." Jax and I cut them off in unison.

"He's been arrested now. And we're okay." I said.

"Mostly," Jax added, glancing at his leg.

Matt and Dad ran over and group-hugged us, and I sighed in relief, sinking into the embrace, feeling truly happy and safe and loved for the first time in a while.


Andy's DNA came back as positive on the tests, and he was properly arrested and put in jail for his crimes of that alone. He still had to be tried for the kidnapping.

Jax's leg healed, and he was only on crutches for a while before he was finally walking again without so much as a limp. But he'd always have the scar. A nice little souvenir of our experience.

On Bullet's last night in England before they had to leave, I couldn't find Jax anywhere.

"Matt. Matt!" I called.

"Yeah, Haze?" He turned, stopping as I hurried after him.

"Have you seen Jax?"

"Um," he thought for a second, "Last I knew he was heading out on the cliffs by the water. Try there. He likes going there to think, don't worry." He added as I paled.

"Oh, okay." I said, relieved. I headed for the door, rounding the corner and almost running straight into Uncle Jordan and Uncle Lee.

"Whoa, there, Princess." Uncle Lee grinned, and I winced a little. He immediately looked apologetic. "Sorry, I forgot."

"It's okay." I insisted, "It's okay when it comes from you." I wrapped my arms around him.

He laughed and returned the hug, and Uncle Jordan joined in, too.

Uncle Lee left a few minutes later at Uncle Jordan's request, and I turned to him. "What's up?"

He brushed my hair away from my face. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. For everything."


"I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. And we didn't see it sooner, with Andy and everything."

"There was no way you could've." I insisted, wrapping my arms around him again, "But thank you."

"I love you, Haze. I always will, no matter what, okay? I'll always be here." He whispered, "Maybe not by blood, but I'll always be your uncle."

"I know. I'll always be your one annoying niece." I grinned, and he kissed my forehead.

"Impossible." He insisted, "No one can out-annoying me."

"Is that a challenge?" I smirked.

He laughed, "Maybe. Go find Jax." He let me go.

"Okay. See you soon."

I ran out the door, heading for the lake-side cliffs a little ways out of town. I wondered why Jax hadn't invited me along. Maybe he was planning something.

I reached the cliffs, and quickly found him sitting on the edge of one, silently tossing rocks and watching them fall and splash in the waves below.

I cautiously approached him, and he turned as he heard my footsteps.

"Hey." He grinned, his face lighting up, "I wondered if you were coming."

"You should've told me you left then." I laughed, sitting down next to him.

"Sorry, thought I did." He blushed.

"You're an idiot." I smiled, "But a lovable one." I gently pulled him close and kissed him.

"Thanks. Right back at you." He grinned as we pulled away.

I sighed contentedly, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Jax." I whispered.

"I know. I love you, too." He responded just as softly, before pulling me in for another kiss.

He held me close, and we just watched in the complete peace of the moment as the sun slowly sank below the horizon, painting the sky in a million different colours and bathing the world in its gorgeous glow.

I snuggled closer to Jax.

Originally, I'd been ecstatic to go on tour with my dad, best friend, and uncles, and meet some of my favourite band members.

Now, I was here, one of my idols turning out to be someone I couldn't imagine, with my new boyfriend, and no more secrets hanging between me and my dad, or uncles.

I guess it just goes to show: be careful what you wish for.

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now