Can You Feel My Heart?

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Andy caught me by the arm before I hit the floor. "Whoa there, princess, I gotcha." He smirked.

I went bright red. I wanted to tell him that only Uncle Lee was allowed to call me that, but my horrible confrontation skills quickly ended that plan.

"Thank you," I whispered instead, and he let me go.

"Your seat's right here, honey." Andy's voice stopped me again as I tried to walk away.

I turned, and sure enough, my name tag was on the seat directly across from him.

I bit back my sigh, sitting down.


I turned towards the voice. "Jax!" I cried. He looked ridiculously good in his dark red dress shirt and black pants, with his hair styled just enough to have that formal quality, while still being just messy enough. I jumped up from my seat and threw my arms around him.

"It's insane in here," I mumbled into his shoulder.

He laughed, "I know. I would've been a lot more excited to come if I'd known you were gonna be here." He glanced at me again. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I blushed, "You-"

"Hey! Lovebirds!" Andy's voice interrupted us, "Dinner's getting started. Sit down."

"Where's your seat?" I asked Jax.

He shrugged, tangling our fingers together. "I dunno. Not by the rest of the band, that's how far I got."

I read the seat next to mine, and almost let out a squeal. "Jax, you're beside me!"

"Really? Awesome," he grinned, and we sat.

Andy kept his eyes on us as we did. "So, this is the boyfriend?" He asked me.

I nodded, squeezing his hand tight.

"Good catch." Andy nodded in approval, reaching over to shake Jax's hand. "Andy Leo."

"Pleasure to meet you, sir. I'm Jaxon Tuck."

Andy's eyes widened. "Matt's kid?" He laughed, "That's a lot more obvious now. I shoulda known. So, Bring Me's little beauty and Bullet's kid are together? That's cute."

Jax and I just shuffled, kind of uncomfortable. I guess this is why they say never meet your heroes.

"Stop drilling the poor kids, Rockhold." A feminine voice reprimanded.

I felt myself tense. Oh. My. God.

Then Courtney LaPlante casually sat down on my other side.

Trying not to freak out, I forced myself to look at her. She looked gorgeous, her black hair up in a tight ponytail leaving her bangs free, and a dress similar to mine, with spaghetti straps and a thin layer of transparent black tulle on top. I saw as she sat down that it was longer in the back and one length in front, displaying beautiful black heels.

"Hey, sweetheart." She smiled at me, "Oli's told me so much about you, I feel like we know each other already. I've been dying to meet you."

I swallowed, "Y-yeah. I'm a huge Spiritbox fan. You're such a big inspiration to me."

Her grin widened. "I'm glad to hear it, Hazel, right? What's your favourite song of ours?"

I nodded as I bit my lip. "That's hard, but probably Blessed Be?"

"Ooh, yeah, that's a good one." Courtney turned as the food began to get passed down, scooping salad onto her plate along with some other veggies before passing it
down. I mimicked her, but with less food and hesitantly ate.

"Is that all you're taking?" Jax asked, looking at the small amount on my plate. "You sure?"

I nodded, "I'm not that hungry." I shot him a smile, "It's fine."

"Well...okay..." He shot me a worried glance, but let it go, much to my relief.

I fidgeted with the many bracelets I was using to hide the scars of my cuts. I still had to tell my family about them, but it was so hard to get the courage to.

At least they were faded scars now. I'd managed to restrain myself with very few close calls that ended in late night phone calls with Jax.


I looked at Courtney, shaking my head, "Sorry, zoned out. What did you say?"

"I asked if you were feeling alright. You've barely touched your food." Courtney pointed with her fork to my mostly full plate.

"Oh, yeah, I'm just not that hungry." I insisted with a smile.

"If you say so, sweetheart." Her smile said she also didn't believe me, but she turned back to Mike Stringer, who sat on her other side.

Soon enough, the food and tables were cleared away and the real party began.

We left the room, only to enter an even larger one, decorated to perfection with soft fairy lights providing the only glow and streamers hanging from the ceiling. The wood floor shone, inviting dancers and socializing, and I saw an open bar in the corner, because there just had to be at these things.

People filled the room instantly. I saw Pierce the Veil's Vic Fuentes and Tony Perry talking to Courtney and Mike, while Andy and Micheal from Bullet were dancing around like idiots to the background music. I wondered where my family was.

My question was answered two seconds later as I saw all of them at the bar. I rolled my eyes with a smile. Why did I expect different.

Mother Tongue by Bring Me began playing, and a lot of people hit the dance floor, swaying to the slower song.

I felt Jaxon's hand slip into mine, and he pulled me forwards. "You wanna do this?"

"I can't dance."

"We'll figure it out." He grinned, yanking me forwards.

"Jax!" I laughed, and he caught me before I fell. He held me against his chest, and slowly began to sway in time with the song.

"Just let your heart speak up and I'll know..."

My hands slipped up to his shoulders, and his wrapped protectively around my waist, holding me close.

"But I think we're our fates were woven...and all of those bad choices... were left turns on the way."

My fingers found his hair, and I ran my hands through it, messing it up more as I stared deep into his eyes, losing myself in them.

"No amount of words could ever find a way to make sense of this, so I..."

Our lips pressed together, and his grip on me tightened as we just kissed and kissed and kissed, and everyone else just vanished from the room. It was just me and him, and it was perfect.

"-Wanna hear your mother tongue."

A/N: I know I used the song at some other point too, but it fit the moment too well to miss. Plus, it's an amazing song and if you haven't heard it, go listen to it ;P

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now