sugar honey ice & tea

43 1 4

"Are you sure you're okay, baby?"

"Yeah, Dad, I'm fine." I insisted, adjusting my backpack strap, "And I can still walk after school, alright?"

"Alright. Just call if you change your mind, okay?"

"Yep. Bye, Dad."

"Have a good day, Hazel. Love you."

I took a deep breath as I turned towards the big brick building, trying and failing to calm myself down.

I pushed the door open and glanced down at the previously sent out schedule.

I quickly located my locker without so much as a glance my way. So far, so good.

My homeroom was only a few classrooms down, but since I had no one to talk to in the meantime, I opted to go right away and beat the crowd to grab a backrow seat.

I threw my stuff onto the table and sat down, pulling  out my book and losing myself in it immediately, quickly remembering the other reason I hadn't missed school in the slightest.

Because it sucked.

The entire day of classes passed in a blur I barely processed, and as soon as the bell rang, I was gone.

I hurried to my locker, shoving books and far too much first-day homework into my bag, knowing that I probably wouldn't end up doing it.

After all, the band was coming over tonight to practice, and I wasn't about to not watch like always. 

Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I walked out of the school, keeping my head low in a poor attempt to be inconspicuous.

I pulled out my phone and popped in my earbuds, blasting my playlist as I started for the house. Dad went all out when he bought it, a literal mansion with everything he needed and then some. Alissa wanted nothing less when they got married.

I sighed, trying not to think at all. It was strange to think that I'd had three women in my life that could've acted as a motherly figure, and yet never had a mom.

I tried really hard not to think about Hannah. Dad didn't talk about her, and only in the past couple years did he finally start confronting his feelings about...well, a lot of things.

Some days were harder than others, but I thought that he was doing incredible. It was weird to say I was proud of my dad, but it was the truth. He'd overcome so much. The least I could do was be supportive of the choices he made, even if that included Alissa.

I reached the house, pulling out my earbuds and unlocking the front door with my key. 

A whole first day of school done, and the closest thing to bullied I got was having someone accidentally bump into me in the hall. That amazing feeling.

I closed the door, kicking off my shoes and walking into the kitchen.

I sat at the large island, throwing my bag to the floor beside me and pulling out my phone, checking my social media accounts. Nothing out of the ordinary. There were a couple messages from Jax, but I'd answer those later. For now, I pulled out my book again and began flipping through the pages.

Alissa walked into the kitchen, and I glanced up.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"Hello," she replied stiffly, before going to the pantry and pulling out some kind of snack, I didn't really look.

I returned to my book, sort of sad at how little I had left to go.

I looked up again, a question on the tip of my tongue.

I Still Need You (A BMTH, BFMV, etc. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now